Fehmi Koru

Fehmi Koru

Fehmi Koruref|name|§ is a Turkish columnist and journalist. He studied journalism and theology, receiving his master degree from the Center for Middle Eastern Studies of Harvard University.ref|degree|† He also worked as a research affiliate at the Center for International Studies of Massachusetts Institute of Technology.cite journal|url=http://www.aksiyon.com.tr/detay.php?id=14634
title=Çok bilinen bir sır: Fehmi Koru
first=Cemal A
publisher=Feza Gazetecilik A.Ş.

He was editor of the daily "Milli Gazete" (1984) and "Zaman" (1986-1987). He was also the chief editorial writer and Ankara Bureau Chief of "Zaman" until 1998. He has been with daily "Yeni Safak" since the beginning of 1999. He also wrote for the "Turkish Daily News" (1998-2000).

He attended the 2006 Bilderberg meeting. [cite news|url=http://www.milliyet.com.tr/2006/05/08/siyaset/siy01.html
title=Bilderberg mi değişti yoksa Fehmi Koru mu?
section=Ankara kulisi


His journalistic work has been published in five books, all of them in Turkish.

His article ‘Democracy and Islam: The Turkish Experiment’ came out in Sept/Oct 1996 issue of ‘Muslim Politics Report’ of the Council on Foreign Relations. In a November 2006 column, he identified his U.S. diplomatic source as the former ambassador to Turkey, Mark Parris.


* Koru has used several aliases, including Bülent Şirin, Taha Kıvanç, Faruk Yeni, Fehmi Muzafferoğlu, and A. Akıncı. [cite news|url=http://yenisafak.com.tr/arsiv/2000/ekim/23/tkivanc.html
title=Taha Kıvanç, Fehmi Koru, yani ben
work=Yeni Şafak
] [cite news|url=http://www.yenisafak.com.tr/arsiv/2004/ARALIK/27/tkivanc.html
title=Taha Kıvanç olmanın dayanılmaz ağırlığı
work=Yeni Şafak
] [cite news|url=http://www.yenisafak.com.tr/arsiv/2005/ARALIK/03/tkivanc.html
work=Yeni Şafak
title=Adımı seveyim
] Koru says this occurred when he wrote several columns in a newspaper that had a shortage of journalists.

* Some of Koru's peers have questioned his credentials, citing the unlikelihood of someone with an Islamic clerical education (İzmir İmam Hatip Lisesi) attending Harvard University, [cite news|url=http://www.aksam.com.tr/yazar.asp?a=131160,10,6
title=Hadi şu diplomayı bir göster
] and incorrectly claiming that the CMES does not confer graduate degrees. [ [http://cmes.hmdc.harvard.edu/people/gradstudents About CMES Graduate Students] , Harvard University: "CMES is home to more than 60 graduate students pursuing either an AM in Regional Studies - Middle East, or a joint PhD degree in Middle Eastern Studies and Anthropology, History, or History of Art and Architecture."]


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