- Wilhelm Johannsen
name = Wilhelm Ludvig Johannsen
birth_date = birth date|1857|02|03
birth_place =Elsinore ,Denmark
nationality = DEN
death_date = death date and age|1927|11|11|1857|02|03
death_place =Copenhagen ,Denmark
field =Genetics Plant physiology
work_institution =University of Copenhagen
alma_mater =University of Copenhagen
doctoral_advisor =
doctoral_students =
known_for = proving the constancy of thegenome
defininggene ,genotype andphenotype
prizes =
footnotes =Wilhelm Johannsen (
February 3 ,1857 -November 11 ,1927 ) was a Danishbotanist , plant physiologist andgeneticist . He was born in Copenhagen. Very young, he was apprenticed to apharmacist in 1872 and worked inDenmark andGermany , passing his pharmacist's exam in 1879. In 1881, he became assistant in the chemistry department at theCarlsberg Laboratory under the chemistJohan Kjeldahl . Johannsen studied themetabolism ofdormancy andgermination inseed s,tuber s andbud s. He showed thatdormancy could be broken by variousanesthetic compounds, such asdiethyl ether andchloroform .In 1892, he was appointed lecturer at Royal Veterinary and Agricultural University and later became professor ofbotany andplant physiology . He taught plant physiology [Warming, Eug. & W. Johannsen (1895) Den almindelige Botanik (General Botany): En Lærebog, nærmest til Brug for Studerende og Lærere. 3rd edn, Kjøbenhavn. 4th edn by Warming and Johannsen 1900-01). German edn 1907-09: Lehrbuch der allgemeinen Botanik (from the 4th edn, by E. P. Meinecke). Berlin, Borntraeger. 667 pp.] . His most well-known research concerned so-called "pure lines" of the self-fertilecommon bean . He was able to show that even inpopulation s homozygous for all traits, i.e. without genetic variation, seed size followed anormal distribution . This was attributable to resource provision to the mother plant and to the position of seeds inpod s and of pods on the plant. This led him to coin the terms "phenotype " and "genotype ". His findings led him to oppose contemporary Darwinists, most notablyFrancis Galton andKarl Pearson , who held the occurrence of normal distributed trait variation inpopulation s as proof of gradual genetic variation on which selection could act [ [http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/j.1600-0498.1979.tb00589.x Roll-Hansen, Nils (1979) The Genotype Theory of Wilhelm Johannsen and its Relation to Plant Breeding and the Study of Evolution. Centaurus 22 (3): 201–235] ] . Only with themodern evolutionary synthesis , it was established that variation need tobeheritable to act as the raw material forselection .The terms "phenotype " and "genotype " were created by Wilhelm Johannsen and first used in his paper "Om arvelighed i samfund og i rene linier" [Johannsen, W. (1903) Om arvelighed i samfund og i rene linier. Oversigt over detKongelige Danske Videnskabernes Selskab s Forhandlinger, vol. 3: 247-270.] and in his book "Arvelighedslærens Elementer" [Johannsen, W.L. (1905) Arvelighedslærens elementer (The Elements of Heredity). Copenhagen.] . This book was rewritten, enlarged and translated to German as "Elemente der exakten Erblichkeitslehre" [Johannsen, W. (1909) Elemente der exakten Erblichkeitslehre. Gustav Fischer, Jena.] . It was in this book Johannsen introduced the term "gene ". This term was coined in opposition to the then common "pangene" that stemmed from Darwin's theory ofpangenesis . The book became one of the founding texts of genetics.Also in 1905, Johannsen was appointed professor ofplant physiology at theUniversity of Copenhagen , becoming vicechancelor in 1917. In December 1910, Johannsen was invited to give an address before theAmerican Society of Naturalists . This talk was printed in theAmerican Naturalist [ [http://links.jstor.org/sici?sici=0003-0147%28191103%2945%3A531%3C129%3ATGCOH%3E2.0.CO%3B2-M Johannsen, W. (1911) The Genotype Conception of Heredity. American Naturalist 45 (531): 129-159.] ] . In 1911, he was invited to give a series of four lectures atColumbia University [ [http://links.jstor.org/sici?sici=0036-8075%2819111013%293%3A34%3A876%3C484%3APJCL%3E2.0.CO%3B2-3 Anon. (1911) Professor Johannsen's Columbia Lectures. Science N.S. 34 (876): 484.] ]Miscellaneous
Corresponding member of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia (elected 1915).
*Anker, Jean (1932) Wilhelm Johannsen, pp. 177-180 in: Meisen, V. Prominent Danish Scientists through the Ages. University Library of Copenhagen 450th Anniversary. Levin & Munksgaard, Copenhagen.
* [http://links.jstor.org/sici?sici=0306-3127%28198311%2913%3A4%3C481%3ATDOSGA%3E2.0.CO%3B2-2 Roll-Hansen, Nils (1983) The Death of Spontaneous Generation and the Birth of the Gene: Two Case Studies of Relativism. Social Studies of Science 13 (4): 481-519.]
* [http://links.jstor.org/sici?sici=0306-3127%28199111%2921%3A4%3C649%3AOTROJP%3E2.0.CO%3B2-0 Kim, Kyung-Man (1991) On the Reception of Johannsen's Pure Line Theory: Toward a Sociology of Scientific Validity. Social Studies of Science 21 (4): 649-679.]External links
* [http://www.wjc.ku.dk/ Wilhelm Johannsen Centre for Functional Genome Research]
* [http://www.wjc.ku.dk/wilhelm/index.php?subpage=gallery Image gallery]
* [http://www.wjc.ku.dk/library/video/original.avi 6 min silent mowie showing Johannsen in action as teacher and scientist]
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.