William Ronald

William Ronald

William Ronald, R.C.A. (1926-1998) (born Willam Ronald Smith, was an important Canadian painter, best known as the founder of the influential Canadian abstract art group Painters Eleven in 1954.

Ronald was a graduate of the Ontario College of Art who quickly found that abstract painters could not get their work exhibited in Toronto galleries. Working for the "Robert Simpson Co." department store, he persuaded management to pair abstract paintings with furniture displays, thereby discovering a way to get the public to accept non-representational art. Despite the success of the show, Ronald resented the city's general attitude toward its artists and moved to the United States, eventually becoming an American citizen. Ronald shared a studio with Frank Stella and joined the stable of artists at Manhattan's Kootz Gallery. He was quickly accepted by critics and collectors and enjoyed a multi-year period of success. Eventually, Ronald returned to Toronto, partly for personal reasons and partly because he could not agree with Kootz.

Besides painting, he became known as a CBC (Canadian Broadcasting Corporation) journalist, a columnist for the "Toronto Telegram", and host of a Citytv variety show. He continued to paint through the 1970s, '80s and '90s, moving to Montreal, Quebec, and then to Barrie, Ontario where he maintained an active studio. He gained some notoriety for his portrait series of Canadian Prime Ministers, a pioneering non-representational portrayal of heads of government opened by Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau in Toronto. The exhibition toured Canada, despite warnings not to exhibit the less than flattering portrait of then Prime Minister Brian Mulroney. Never a stranger to criticism or polemics, Ronald loved to paint in public, frequently hiring strippers and showgirls to dance around him as he painted. He continued to paint until his death in 1998.

elected exhibitions

* 1957-1960: "Kootz Gallery", NYC
* 1960: "Laing Galleries", Toronto
* 1963: "Isaacs Gallery", Toronto
* 1962-1963: "Kootz Gallery", NYC
* 1963: "Princeton University Art Gallery"
* 1965: "David Mirvish Gallery", Toronto
* 1970: "Dunkelman Gallery", Toronto
* 1971: "Tom Thompson Memorial Gallery", Owen Sound, Ontario
* 1975: "Robert McLaughlin Gallery", Oshawa, Ontario
* 1977-1980: "Morris Gallery", Toronto
* 1984: "Art Gallery of Ontario", Toronto
* 1985: "Musée d’art de Joliette", Québec
* 1996: "Christopher Cutts Gallery", Toronto
* 2000: "Christopher Cutts Gallery", Toronto

elected collections

* "Art Gallery of Ontario", Toronto
* "National Gallery of Canada", Ottawa
* "Museum of Modern Art", NYC
* "Carnegie Institute", Pittsburgh
* "Musée d’art de Joliette", Québec
* "Guggenheim Museum", NYC
* "Albright Knox Art Gallery", Buffalo
* "Art Institute of Chicago"
* "Montreal Museum of Fine Arts"
* "York University", Toronto
* "Princeton University Art Gallery"
* "Whitney Museum of Art", NYC
* "Agnes Etherington Art Centre, Queens University", Kingston, Ontario
* "Brooklyn Museum", NYC
* "Edmonton Art Gallery", Alberta
* "Hirshorn Museum, Smithsonian Institute", Washington


* Exhibition catalogue.

External links

* [http://cybermuse.gallery.ca/cybermuse/home_e.jsp National Gallery of Canada] (William Ronald)
* [http://www.askart.com/askart/r/william_ronald/william_ronald.aspx AskArt] (William Ronald)
* [http://www.artfacts.net/index.php/pageType/artistInfo/artist/29570 Artfacts.net] (William Ronald)
* [http://www.canadianartgroup.com/ Canadian Art Group] (Painters Eleven)

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