SOC or SoC may refer to:

;Science and Technology
* Security Operation Center (computing)
* Self-organized criticality, a property of dynamical systems in physics
* Separation of concerns, a program design principle in computer science
* Service-oriented architecture, sometimes also referred to as Service Oriented Computing
* Service-oriented Communications
* Soil organic carbon
* State of charge, for batteries
* Store-Operated Calcium channel
* Super Optimal Broth with Catabolite repression, a bacterial growth medium
* System-on-a-chip in electronic design

;Associations and societies
* Scottish Ornithologists' Club
* Security Operations Center
* Serbian Orthodox Church
* Society of Cartographers, United Kingdom
* Society of Operating Cameramen, the original name for the Society of Camera Operators
* Special Operations Command

* Google Summer of Code
* Swedish Open Championships

;Other meanings
* Settlers of Catan, a multiplayer board game
* SOC Seagull, a US Navy scout observation seaplane produced by Curtiss, first in service in 1935
* Standard Occupational Classification System, a system of the United States Department of Labor
* Stream of consciousness

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  • soc — [ sɔk ] n. m. • v. 1170; gaul. °succos; cf. irland. socc « ruisseau » ♦ Pièce de charrue composée d une lame métallique triangulaire qui tranche horizontalement la terre. Soc de charrue. « le soc et le coutre détachaient avec peine la bande qu… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

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  • soc — SOC. s. m. Instrument de fer, faisant partie d une charruë, & servant à fendre, & à renverser la terre. Le bec d un soc. l oreille du soc. ce soc est usé. il faut reforger le coutre & le soc ces terres estoient en friche, c estoient des landes,… …   Dictionnaire de l'Académie française

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