List of Jewel Riders episodes

List of Jewel Riders episodes

The following is a list of episodes for the BKN animated series Princess Gwenevere and the Jewel Riders. There were two seasons of 13 episodes each.

Episode # Episode Title Writer(s) Original Airdate
1 "Jewel Quest, Part 1" Robert Mandell September 10, 1995
Gwenevere (Starla) is about to follow in the footsteps of her friends Tamara and Fallon as a Jewel Rider: the time has come for her to receive the special Enchanted Jewel, the Sun Stone, in the traditional Friendship Ring ceremony. However, Gwen's evil aunt, the outlaw Lady Kale, plans to control Merlin's seven Crown Jewels of the Kingdom and rule Avalon forever. Using a powerful Dark Stone Kale sends Merlin into the hidden realms of Wild Magic. She also captures the beautiful golden winged unicorn, Sunstar, but loses the key to the Jewel Box where the Crown Jewels are kept
2 "Jewel Quest, Part 2" Robert Mandel September 17, 1995
Princess Gwenevere and the Jewel Riders, aided by their male counterparts, The Pack, embark on a rescue mission to save Sunstar from Kale's Thornwood Castle. Kale demands the key to the Jewel Box in exchange for the captive unicorn, but Merlin uses his remaining powers to scatter the Seven Crown Jewels to their original lands, and the Jewel Riders manage to free Sunstar. In order to become a Jewel Rider, Gwenevere enters the revered Circle of Friendship to bond with Sunstar as her magical animal, sharing the Sun Stone with her. But with the Crown Jewels gone from Merlin's Jewel Box, the Wild Magic in Avalon is no longer stable and a great quest to recover the lost Crown Jewels begins
3 "Travel Trees Don't Dance" Christopher Rowley and Robin Young September 24, 1995
Trying to ride the Wild Magic by themselves for the first time, Gwen and Sunstar get pulled off course and discover that the Travel Trees, which are used to "ride" the Wild Magic, are being affected as well. It has now become very tricky to ride the magic, as they learn when they become separated from the Jewel Riders and must track down the source of a Wild Magic outbreak in the Great Northwoods. The Travel Trees of the area have an crown jewel stuck in their portal and they are disappointed at not being able to dance, so they created a Wild Magic disco dance floor for all the forest animals. However, Kale has followed them and she steals Gwen's dance partner, then the Jewel on the Great NorthWoods. The other Jewel Riders rush to find Gwen and Sunstar and discover that Jewel is being used for evil, so they must reclaim it
4 "Song of the Rainbow" Mary Stanton and Robin Young October 1, 1995
Tamara is caught in an enchantment when she plays a beautiful harp given to her for a performance at a craft fair. The music of the harp leads Tamara to Rainbow Falls in the Riverdells where one of the Crown Jewels, the Rainbow Jewel, has returned. Gwenevere and Fallon embark on the quest to save Tamara from going into weird trances and to find the Rainbow Jewel first. Kale follows the Jewel Riders to the falls as they learn what happened to the jewel upon returning to the land
5 "Wizard's Peak" James Luceno and Robin Young October 8, 1995
The Jewel Riders and the Pack go on a quest to the Crystal Cliffs to find an ancient mountain called Wizard's Peak and recover the Crown Jewel of Burning Ice. After an ambush by Kale, they separated into two groups; Fallon and the pack lure Kale away as Gwen and Drake find themselves trapped in a labyirnth of mining ice caverns. Trying to locate the jewel, the Jewel Riders find instead the magical genie Guardian intent on protecting the magical treasures of the ancient Wizards
6 "For Whom the Bell Trolls" Marianne Meyer and Robin Young October 15, 1995
The Pack finds a rhyming entertaining troll in the Misty Moors with the Misty Rose Crown Jewel. The troll uses it to turn the boys of The Pack into frogs and their wolves into lizards. Frog Josh escapes and contacts the Jewel Riders where they must rescue the boys and recover the jewel. Gwen, Fallon and Tamara must figure out the answers to the riddles of the troll in order to rescue the boys. However a talking swan wabbles off with the Misty Rose Crown Jewel, unaware of the wild magic havoc it was causing on its trail. The Jewel Riders chase after the swan to recover the jewel and restore the Misty Moors to normal, including the true forms of the troll and swan
7 "The Faery Princess" Linda Shayne and Robin Young October 22, 1995
A faery, Faery King Odeon's daughter named Wisp, went after her lost flock of magic sheep. The sheep became affected by the wild magic, turning into "biker-sheeps" through a rainbow passage to the Great Deserts of Avalon. Wisp however got lost following them and needs help to find her way home, when coming across the Travel Trees that took her to Crystal Palace where she meets the Jewel Riders. The Jewel Riders head for the Great Deserts where they discover a secret passage into faeryland. However, Kale arrives there first and decides this is the perfect new kingdom for her to rule. The Jewel Riders, with the help of the Faery Princess, must discover the Desert Star Crown Jewel and save the Faeryland from Kale. The problem is that the Fairyland is an alternate dimension where magic works differently
8 "Badlands" Katherine Lawrence and Robin Young October 29, 1995
Fallon with Moondance just won a race against the Pack when Tamara informs her that the riders are to go with the princess to a party celerbrating a newborn. Fallon didn't wish to leave the Pack's training games for the party that she and Gwen got into a heated argument over and didn't want to speak to each other afterwards. Gwen, Fallon and Tamara then must outwit Kale and a band of mercenary Outlaws as the Jewel Riders escort a trading caravan through a canyon across the Badlands to the party at Castle Greenwood. In the caravan are Fallons parents who disapproved of her being a Jewel Rider, leading to Fallon to hate Gwen for forcing her to see them again. Later on when Gwen needed help, Fallon put aside her anger and save Gwen where the two friends then made up. Rescuing Gwen and protecting the caravan, Fallon proves to her parents that she excels as a Jewel Rider and that her parents now accepts her choice
9 "Home Sweet Heart Stone" Robin Young November 5, 1995
Tamara is called by her parents to Heartland Animal Farm to examine a legendary magical animal recently discovered, a Prism Fox. However, Kale heard the news too and now she desires the Prism Fox as one of her magic animals: using enchanted bagpipes and other instruments, she plays a song to lure away all the animals from the farm, only to discover it's just a baby Prism Fox named Kit. Tamara and friends use their own music and magic to defeat Kale and bring the animals back home. Kit also gets reunited with her parents where they all return home in the Wild Magic
10 "Love Struck" James Mattson November 12, 1995
Drake finds the talking Magic Sword of Garmondale in a tree at a carnival. Hungry for magic from the Enchanted Jewels of the Jewel Riders, the sword promises Drake that women will now fall madly in love with him. With the sword as his love coach, Drake tries some unusual magic love poems out on each of the Jewel Riders. The girls, sensing a trick, turn the tables on Drake by pretending to go along with "his" ruse. As the sword drains away the riders' magic, the riders and Drake outwit the sword, forcing it back to its original state
11 "Dreamfields" Robin Young November 19, 1995
Gwen runs off into the Dreamfields of the Great Plains when she becomes bored with her date with Drake. There, she becomes caught in a battle of dreams with Kale who is also trying to find the Crown Jewel. In a wild dream, Kale switches Gwens Sun Stone with her Dark Stone and thus a dream world is created in which Gwenevere has become evil, and her aunt has become good. Using the power of the Crown Jewel of the Dreamfields, the two must discover who they really are before it is too late, and Gwen must rely on her friends to help her fight the nightmares of the Dark Stone
12 "Revenge of the Dark Stone" Robin Young and Christopher Rowley November 26, 1995
While the Jewel Riders try to find the last Crown Jewel and complete the magic of Merlins Jewel Box, Kale disguises herself as Queen Anya and sneaks into the Crystal Palace, where she seizes the Jewel Keep and with it all the other recovered magic jewels. Using their powers to create an "antimagic" device, Kale time-freezes first the royal couple and the Pack, and then all of New Camelot. When the Jewel Riders find the final Jewel, Kale magically transports it into her hands, and strips the girls of their powers. The Jewel Riders became helpless to stop Kale from proclaiming herself the new queen of Avalon
13 "Full Circle" Robin Young and Christopher Rowley December 3, 1995
With Avalon now cast in darkness and Kale preparing to finish off Merlin, the Jewel Riders refuse to give up and return to the Friendship Ring to perform the Circle of Friendship ceremony again. Then with their jewels recharged, they enter the Wild Magic to find Merlin, led by their friend Kit the Prism Fox and other special creatures called magic gliders. Merlin reveals that the Crystal Palace, itself, is an Enchanted Jewel with great powers of goodness. While he holds Kale in the Wild Magic, the girls use Merlins Jewel box to release the magic of the Crystal Palace and restore Avalon. But Merlin has sacrificed his magic staff that holds his jewel to throw Kale into the Wild Magic and without his jewel, he cannot return home
Episode # Episode Title Writer(s) Original Airdate
14 "Morgana" Robert Mandell September 8, 1996
The Jewel Riders learn about the newly enhanced magic of their Enchanted Jewels and of a new quest to retrieve the special Wizard Jewels that can give Merlin back his magical powers and return him home. Meanwhile in the Wild Magic, the ancient wizard Morgana finds her Dark Stone, but realizes that she cant control it because it has been tuned to Kale. Morgana makes a deal with Kale to work with her against the Jewel Riders and retrieve very powerful Wizard Jewels. The Jewel Riders return to the Hall of Wizards at the Wizard Peak, where they face Morgana's powers for the first time in the control of the genie and a magic book
15 "Shadowsong" Robin Young September 15, 1996
Using maps found in Merlins cottage, the Jewel Riders begin to ride the Wild Magic looking for powerful Wizard Jewels. However the Travel Trees couldn't handle their new magic and would have to travel through the Wild Magic on their own means. Tamara finds a place that registers strong magic and the Jewel Riders head there with the help of the Magic gliders as their guides. But Morgana has set a trap that send Gwen, Sunstar, Fallon, Moondance and Archie to a place where Morgana can steal the magic of their Enchanted Jewels. Tamara is sent to another place in the Wild Magic where she makes friends with a frightened magical zebracorn named Shadowsong, that was self-conscious about his appearance compare to the others unicorns. Tamara and Shadowsong form a strong bond and must go to the rescue of the other Jewel Riders before Morgana can steal their magic
16 "Fashion Fever" Robin Young and Christopher Rowley September 22, 1996
Its high fashion and high-jinx as the annual charity fashion show opens at the Crystal Palace fair grounds. In addition, its Queen Anyas birthday and King Jared wants to surprise her with a new dress. When he assigns Gwen and Sunstar to handle thesecret mission”, the Princess manages to get Fallon, Moondance, Tamara and Tamaras baby animals involved in a comedy of errors as each girl and animal tries their best to complete the mission. Meanwhile Kale sneaks into the show with a strange spinning wheel that makes a style-shifting dress too magical for Gwen to resist. When Gwen puts the dress on, she falls under an enchantment spell, and must obey her evil aunt. The Jewel Riders must break the spell before Gwen leads Kale into the Jewel Keep
17 "The Wizard of Gardenia" James Luceno September 29, 1996
In the magical gardens of Gardenia, a gardener gnome fools the Jewel Riders into thinking that he is one of the Great Wizards from Avalons past, and capable of great magic. The gnome has the ability to sculpt magical topiary animals that transform into crystal creatures. When the Jewel Riders discover that the gnome is not what he appears to be (actually just a wizards apprentice), they convince the gnome to help them retrieve a powerful Wizard Jewel from a dangerous place called the Sorcerers Playground before Kale and Morgana can get it and rescue Archie
18 "Vale of the Unicorns" Katherine Lawrence October 6, 1996
The Jewel Riders journey to the enchanted lands of the unicorns to learn about the mysterious secret of their magic. The unicorns, the most magical animals in Avalon, are in danger. The Queen of the unicorns is missing, kidnapped by Morgana in her greed to obtain the Unicorn Wizard Jewel and a successor must take her place. The leadership must fall upon one of her relatives. Moondance, daughter of the Queen, must go to the magical place and perform a series of tests to determine whether she should become the new Queen of the unicorns. This would mean that Moondance can no longer be with the Jewel Riders and leave Fallon. Moondance must choose where her loyalties lie, becoming the new Queen of the unicorns or staying with her best friend, Fallon
19 "Prince of the Forest" Robin Young October 13, 1996
While searching for wonderous Faery Wraiths in the Forest of Arden, Princess Gwenevere finds romance and magic with a strange boy named Ian. Hearing Gwens cry for help, Ian rescues the Princess out of a marsh mire. However, the young man doesnt reveal to the Princess the wondrous magic jewel he has recently found. The jewel has enabled him to transform from a beast to a human boy. Now that he has met Gwen, he is worried that if he gives the jewel away, he may remain a beast forever and lost Gweneveres love. He must decide what to do because Kale has offered him the chance to become human forever, if he gives her the magic jewel. When Ian rejects Kale's offer in order to save Gwen, the princess convinces the beast boy that no matter what shape he takes, she will always be his friend
20 "The Wishing Jewel" Laura Munro October 20, 1996
Gwen and Drake get lost in the misty walls that surround Avalon and discover a new magical but dangerous place outside the borders of the kingdom. Lost, they must work together to unravel a riddle told to them by the Travel Trees that live in this secret place. Gwen and Drake must search for a magic wishing jewel that will turn this land to goodness and extend the borders of Avalon before the Wild Magic causes this place to vanish completely. Each discover half of the Wishing Jewel, but they can't figure out why it doesn't work quite right until they realize that neither of them have the entire jewel so they must work together in order to reassemble the pieces
21 "The Jewel of the Sea" Linda Shayne October 27, 1996
The Jewel Riders embark on a great sea voyage to a magical island where a Wizard Jewel has landed. Sailing over the great Sea of Avalon, the girls get caught in a Wild Magic water ride and discover an underwater kingdom of mermaid creatures. When Cleo falls overboard, she is rescued by a merboy and transformed into a sea unicorn with his magic pearl stone. When the trio were chased by a creature, they dropped their stones; the merboy grabs Tamaras Heart Stone and becomes human, but Tamara is transformed into a mermaid when she grabbed the Magic Pearl. The other Jewel Riders must find the merboy who has run off to the magic atoll and convince him to give the Heart Stone back to Tamara. Meanwhile in the undersea lagoon gardens, Tamara realizes why the merboy ran away, confronting a big sea dragon guarding his terrority
22 "Trouble in Elf Town" Laraine Arkow and Marlowe Weisman November 3, 1996
Three mischievous trolls find new Enchanted Jewels in the Wild Magic and to energize it, they steal all of the elf magic from the Elf Woods. The Jewel Riders ride into town and look for a Western-style showdown with the trolls to save the elves
23 "Mystery Island" Robin Young November 10, 1996
The Wild Magic gliders tell the Jewel Riders a creature is crying from somewhere in the Wild Magic and Tamara convinces the Jewel Riders to go and rescue the creature. The girls ride into the Wild Magic and discover alost island”. But Kale and Morgana have also found this island and are looking for magical Wizard Jewels and Morgana sends Kale to follow them on this journey. The Jewel Riders find a giant creature who, amazingly, only responds to the baby animals. Its up to Cleo, Sugar and Spike to save the day and rescue the giant baby creature from Kale
24 "The Fortune Jewel" Robin Young November 17, 1996
A fortune teller named Esmerelda and her mysterious cat are using the Fortune Jewel to tell peoples fortunes. When the Jewel Riders have their fortunes read, a dark future is revealed to Gwenevere that tells of the fall of the Crystal Palace and the rise of Morgana to rule Avalon. Gwen and her friends must get this magic jewel to the Jewel Keep and out of Kale's and Morganas hands. However, when they fall into a magical trap of Kale, the cat's secret is revealed, being really the ancient wizard Derreck who has lost his human form when he was tricked by Morgana. Will Esmerelda and her cat decide to give the jewel to the Riders, or to Morgana
25 "Lady of the Lake/Spirit of Avalon" Robert Mandell and Christopher Rowley November 24, 1996
Determined to prevent the prophecy of the Fortune Jewel from coming true, the Jewel Riders travel to the Heart of Avalon to seek out the wisdom of the Lady of the Lake to win over the evil. For this they need the help of the Grandfather Travel Tree, the only one who can send them where they need to go. But Kale and Morgana got there first, and nearly destroyed the tree. Luckily the Riders are able to heal it, then the girls go through its magic tunnel to the shore of the mysterious Isle of Myst. However their enemies are already waiting there, and they turn almost everyone into statues. Gwenevere and Sunstar escape across a magical lake where she is given the magic Staff of Avalon and instructed to take the Wizard Jewels already collected with the new Staff and journey to the center of the Wild Magic. There she would forge the jewels together and create a new magical jewel for Merlin to place upon the Staff. With the help by Ian, Gwen manages to rescue her friends, while it is Kale herself who is stonecast in turn. But Morgana steals the Wizard Jewels and heads to the center of the Wild Magic first
26 "The One Jewel/The Last Dance" Robert Mandell and Christopher Rowley December 12, 1996
With Kale out of the way, Princess Gwenevere and the Jewel Riders journey to the center of the Wild Magic where they confront Morgana for the control of the magic of Avalon. Morgana is trying to forge the Wizard Jewels together and create the One Jewel that will control all of the wild magic. The final showdown begins as the Jewel Riders battle against Morgana in a series of magical events to determine the future of Avalon and the fate of Merlin. The Riders are winning when disaster strikes and Ian sacrifices himself to save Sunstar's life. Can Gwen pull herself together enough to create the One Jewel and save their friends and Avalon

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