TVN (Chile)

TVN (Chile)

name= Television Nacional de Chile (TVN)
share as of=May 2005
share source= [] | launch=May 21, 1969
owner= State of Chile
former names=Televisión Nacional de Chile| web= []
terr avail=Available
terr serv 1=Analog
terr chan 1=NTSC, in Chile
terr serv 2=Analog (Greater Santiago)
terr chan 2=7
terr serv 3=Analog (Greater Valparaiso)
terr chan 3=12
terr serv 4=Analog (Valdivia)
terr chan 4=3
terr serv 5=Analog (Curacautin)
terr chan 5=12

National Television of Chile (TVN) ("Televisión Nacional de Chile") is Chile's state-owned television station. Its first broadcast was on 1969. It is owned, but not funded, by the state, and functions independently from it; a rare case of public television in South America. A board of directors appointed by the President of the Republic and ratified by the Senate oversee control of the station. The members of the board generally follow the same political composition as the current Congress, with a "Concertación" (the government coalition) majority and an "Alianza" (right-wing opposition alliance) minority.

Technical details

TVN sends its feed via a 200+ sender network spanning all over Chile, using channel frequency 7 in Santiago.

It also operates an external station (TV Chile), that is received via satellite around the world.

Regional networks

TVN broadcasts outside metropolitan area using local repeaters called "Redes". Each of these repeat national TVN feed, plus, a local newscast, as well as local advertising. These TVN owned networks are:

*"TVN Red Tarapacá" (Iquique)
*"TVN Red Antofagasta" (Antofagasta)
*"TVN Red Atacama" (Copiapó)
*"TVN Red Coquimbo" (La Serena)
*"TVN Red Valparaíso" (Valparaíso)
*"TVN Red O'Higgins" (Rancagua)
*"TVN Red Maule" (Talca)
*"TVN Red Biobío" (Concepción)
*"TVN Red Araucanía" (Temuco)
*"TVN Red Austral" (Punta Arenas)


TVN broadcasts from 11:00 GMT-06:00 GMT (24 hours a day in TV Chile) and offers a mix of news, variety shows and children's programming. Its primetime is dominated by local dramas, telenovelas and local adaptations of American sitcoms. The most important shows currently airing on the network are:
* "Buenos Días a Todos" (breakfast)
* "Corazon de Maria" (telenovela)
* "24 Horas" (newscast, first in have a YouTube channel [ [ 24 Horas] YouTube Channel] )
* "Amor en tiempo Record" (telenovela)
* "Los Treinta" (telenovela)
* "Una belleza nueva" (interviews)
* "Pelotón" (reality show)
* "El Baile en TVN" (Chilean version of "Strictly Come Dancing"/"Dancing with the Stars")
* "31 Minutos" (children's programming)
* "Cachureos" (children's programming)
* "Último Minuto" (investigative journalism)
* "La Ruta de Amazonía" (documentary)
* "Hora 25" (culture)
* "Mea Culpa" (docudrama)
* "Pasiones" (talk show)
* "Rojo, Fama Contrafama" (reality show)
* "Se Habla Español" (tv show)
* " Alguien te mira" (adult telenovela)

"For the current schedule from the network please visit [ this] site."


*"Amelia" (1981)
*"Villa Los Aromos" (1981)
*"De Cara al Mañana" (1982)
*"La Gran Mentira" (1982)
*"El Juego de la Vida" (1983)
*"La torre 10" (1984)
*"La represa" (1984)
*"La Dama del Balcón" (1985)
*"Morir de Amor" (1985)
*"Marta a las 8" (1986)
*"La Villa" (1986)
*"Mi Nombre es Lara" (1987)
*"Bellas y audaces" (1988)
*"Las Dos Caras del Amor" (1988)
*"A la Sombra del Angel" (1989)
*"El milagro de vivir" (1990)
*"Volver a empezar" (1991)
*"Trampas y caretas" (1992)
*"Jaque Mate" (1993)
*"Ámame" (1993)
*"Rompecorazón" (1994)
*"Rojo y Miel" (1994)
*"Estúpido Cupido" (1995)
*"Juegos de fuego" (1995)
*"Sucupira" (1996)
*"Loca piel" (1996)
*"Oro verde" (1997)
*"Tic tac" (1997)
*"Iorana" (1998)
*"Borrón y cuenta nueva" (1998)
*"La fiera" (1999)
*"Aquelarre" (1999)
*"Romané" (2000)
*"Santo Ladrón" (2000)
*"Pampa Ilusión" (2001)
*"Amores de mercado" (2001)
*"El circo de las Montini" (2002)
*"Purasangre" (2002)
*"16 (2003)
*"Puertas adentro" (2003)
*"Pecadores" (2003)
*"Ídolos" (2004)
*"Los Pincheira" (2004)
*"Destinos cruzados" (2004)
*"Los Treinta " (2005)
*"17" (2005)
*"Los Capo" (2005)
*"Versus (2005)
*"Amor en tiempo récord" (2006)
*"Entre medias" (2006)
*"Cómplices (2006)
*"Disparejas (2006)
*"Floribella (2006)
*"Karkú" (2007)
*"Corazón de María (2007)
*"Alguien te mira" (2007)
*"Amor por accidente" (2007)
*"Karkú" second season (2008)
*"El Señor de la Querencia" (2008)
*"Viuda Alegre" (2008)
*"Hijos del Monte" (2008)

ee also

*List of Chilean television channels

Note: Major satellite and cable providers have noted growing demand for TVN to be offered in Canada and the first Latin American channel to open a channel in YouTube.



External links

* [ Official Site] es icon

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