

name = "Protypotherium"
fossil_range = early Miocene
regnum = Animalia
phylum = Chordata
classis = Mammalia
ordo = †Notoungulata
subordo = †Typotheria
familia = †Interatheriidae
genus = †"Protypotherium"
genus_authority = Ameghino, 1882

"Protypotherium" is an extinct genus of mammal.

The 40 cm (1 ft 4 in) long "Protypotherium" probably resembled a rodent, possessing slender limbs with clawed feet, and a long, thick tail. Its rat-like skull contained a set of 44 unspecialized teeth. "Protypotherium"'s ancestors were around since the Paleocene in South America, though fossils of this animal were found from the Miocene. "Protypotherium" was slightly larger than a rabbit, measuing about 40 centimeters in length. The body and legs as well as the tail of this animal were relatively long, while its neck was short. This animal, according to the shape of its claws, was adept at digging and probably took over burrows of other animals. It is hypothesized that while "Protypotherium" ate chiefly plants, some carrion was likely added to its diet.

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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