- Ali Suavi
Ali Suavi (1838-1878) worked as a teacher at
Bursa elementary school and preached atSehzade Mosque inIstanbul ; writer atPhilip Efendi ’s newspaper "Muhbir "; worked in different positions at offices inSimav ,Plovdiv andSofia . He was member ofSociety of Neo Ottomans and editor of its official journal. He was exiled toKastamonu because his writings against theAbd-ul-Aziz .Publications
*A Propos de L'Herzegovine (Regarding Herzegovina, Paris, 1876),
*Ali Paşa'nın Siyaseti (The Politics of Ali Paşa, 1908),
*Defter-i Âmâl-i Ali Paşa (Defter-i Amal-i* of Ali Paşa, Paris, ?),
*Devlet Yüz On Altı Buçuk Milyon Borçtan Kurtuluyor (The Government Gets Out of a One Hundred and *Sixteen and a Half Million Debt, Paris, 1875).
*Hive (Hive, Paris 1873, İstanbul 1910),
*Hukuku'ş-Şevari (Ways of the Law, translation from Gazali, 1808),
*Montenegro (Montenegro, Paris, 1876),
*Nesayih-i Ebu Hanife Kamusu'l Ulûm ve'l Maârif (Nesayih-i Ebu Hanife, Dictionary of Science and *Education, an unfinished essay of encyclopedia, 1870),
*Saydu'l Mefkûd (The Lost Prey, 2 volumes),
*Taharriyat-ı Suavi alâ Tarih-i Türk (The Research of Suavi on Turkish History),
*Usul-i Fıkıh Nam Risalenin Tercümesi (Translation of the Pamphlet named Methodology of the Canon Law, London, 1868),
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