- Milon Henry Levine
Milon Henry Levine is an American
author ,photographer , andfilmmaker .Exhibitions
In 1996, his photographs with partner
Flo Lunn were first exhibited in the "Mois de La Photo " inParis . In 1997, "Paris Vogue" published his image of Ms. Lunn entitled "Negligence" to promote the first Paris Photo in the "Carrousell de Louvre". In 1998, "Burning Flag" Mr. Levine's first digital image ever, was acquired by theEuropean Museum of Photography in Paris.1999 saw the American debut of his artistic partnership with Flo Lunn with photo shows in
New York City andChicago .Cartoonist
In October 2001, MHL was one of the creators of "The Savage Pilgrims", a serialized photo-based
comic strip about two scientists who invent a way to catapult aVW van into space, and who travel around the world taking people from every nation in this VW van up to autopian colony onMars . In 2003, he became the first syndicated photo-based cartoonist ever when he began cartooning for "Fashion Wire Daily ". Mr. Levine later continued fashion cartooning at Glamwire.com.Iraq War
In 2004, he began to document a series of debates featuring the writer
Christopher Hitchens , which were passionate arguments over the war in Iraq.The first debate picture, "Faith: The Debate", featuring Hitchens andRabbi Shmuley Boteach, was released in 2005.Recent work
"The Cooperstown Murders", his novel about a formidable criminal that begins to terrorize "America's Hometown" was published in May 2006. In September 2006 cartoons from The Savage Pilgrims and Glamwire showed for the first time as
fine art inWest Hollywood, California . MHL's film "President", about American presidential politics in the early 21st century, premiered at Cannes on May 24th, 2007, opened in New York City on October 12th, 2007 and is touring America and Europe in 2008.External links
* [http://www.lulu.com/content/207652 "Cooperstown Murders" on Lulu]
* [http://www.film-releases.com/movies/film-information/movie-5348 "President" on Film Releases.com]
* [http://www.savagepilgrims.com Savage Pilgrims]
* [http://www.glamwire.com Glamwire]
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.