- Shakespeare Theatre Association of America
The Shakespeare Theatre Association of America (STAA) was established to provide a forum for the artistic and managerial leadership of theatres whose central activity is the production of Shakespeare's plays; to discuss issues and share methods of work, resources, and information; and to act as an advocate for Shakespearean productions in North America.
* [http://www.fools.ca A Company of Fools]
*Advice to the Players
* [http://www.african-americanshakes.org African-American Shakespeare Company]
* [http://www.asf.net Alabama Shakespeare Festival]
* [http://www.americanshakespearecenter.com American Shakespeare Center]
* [http://www.arcadia.edu Arcadia Shakespeare Festival]
*Atlanta Shakespeare Company at The New AmericanShakespeare Tavern
* [http://www.austinshakespeare.org Austin Shakespeare Festival]
* [http://www.marinshakespeare.org/pages/sp_baja.htm Baja Shakespeare Company]
* [http://www.bardonthebeach.org Bard on the Beach Shakespeare Festival]
* [http://www.calshakes.org California Shakespeare Theater]
* [http://www.chesapeakeshakespeare.com Chesapeake Shakespeare Company]
*Chicago Shakespeare Theater
* [http://www.cincyshakes.com Cincinnati Shakespeare Festival]
* [http://www.coloradoshakes.org Colorado Shakespeare Festival]
* [http://www.delshakes.org Delaware Shakespeare Festival]
* [http://www.flatwatershakespeare.org Flatwater Shakespeare]
* [http://www.folger.edu Folger Theatre]
* [http://www.foothilltheatre.org Foothill Theatre Company/Sierra Shakespeare Festival]
* [http://www.gashakespeare.org Georgia Shakespeare Festival]
* [http://www.globesw.org Globe of the Great Southwest, Inc.]
* [http://www.gvsu.edu/shakes Grand Valley Shakespeare Festival]
* [http://www.grsf.org Great River Shakespeare Festival]
* [http://www.hampshireshakespeare.org Hampshire Shakespeare Company]
* [http://www.gamutplays.org Harrisburg Shakespeare Festival]
* [http://www.kcshakes.org Heart of America Shakespeare Festival]
* [http://theatre.uh.edu Houston Shakespeare Festival (a professional project of the University of Houston School of Theatre)]
* [http://www.hvshakespeare.org Hudson Valley Shakespeare Festival]
* [http://www.idahoshakespeare.org Idaho Shakespeare Festival]
* [http://www.thefestival.org Illinois Shakespeare Festival]
* [http://www.unc.edu/depts/outdoor/ Institute of Outdoor Drama]
* [http://www.judithshakespeare.org Judith Shakespeare Company]
* [http://www.kyshakes.org Kentucky Shakespeare Festival]
* [http://www.kingscountyshakespeare.org Kings County Shakespeare Company]
* [http://www.laketahoeshakespeare.com Lake Tahoe Shakespeare Festival]
* [http://www.lexingtonshakespeare.org Lexington Shakespeare Festival]
* [http://www.maineshakespeare.org Maine Shakespeare Festival]
*Marin Shakespeare Company
* [http://www.mdshakes.com Maryland Shakespeare Festival]
* [http://www.milwaukeeshakespeare.com Milwaukee Shakespeare ]
* [http://www.montanashakespeare.org Montana Shakespeare Co.]
* [http://www.nashvilleshakes.org Nashville Shakespeare Festival]
* [http://www.nebraskashakespeare.com Nebraska Shakespeare Festival]
* [http://renaissancenow.com New Renaissance Theatre and Film]
* [http://www.ncshakes.org North Carolina Shakespeare Festival]
*Ohio Shakespeare Festival
* [http://www.ojaishakespeare.org Ojai Shakespeare Festival]
* [http://www.theshop.net/okshkspr/ Oklahoma Shakespeare in the Park]
*Oregon Shakespeare Festival
* [http://www.shakespearefest.org Orlando/UCF Shakespeare Festival]
* [http://www.pasadenashakespeare.com Pasadena Shakespeare Company]
* [http://www.pashakespeare.org Pennsylvania Shakespeare Festival at DeSales University]
* [http://www.phillyshakespeare.org Philadelphia Shakespeare Festival]
* [http://www.princetonrep.org Princeton Rep Shakespeare Festival]
* [http://www.qlit.org Quintessence, Language & Imagination Theatre]
* [http://www.richmondshakespeare.com Richmond Shakespeare]
* [http://www.riversidetheatre.org Riverside Theatre]
* [http://www.rsc.org.uk Royal Shakespeare Company]
* [http://www.sfshakes.org San Francisco Shakespeare Festival]
* [http://www.shakespearesantafe.org Santa Fe Shakespeare]
* [http://www.seattleshakes.org Seattle Shakespeare Company]
* [http://www.the-rep.com Sebastopol Shakespeare Festival]
*Shakespeare & Company
* [http://www.shakespearebenbow.com Shakespeare at Benbow Lake]
*Shakespeare at Winedale
* [http://www.sfstl.com Shakespeare Festival of St. Louis]
* [http://www.shakespearefestivalla.org Shakespeare Festival/LA]
* [http://www.edsw.usyd.edu.au Shakespeare Globe Centre Australia]
* [http://www.shakespeareguild.com Shakespeare Guild, Inc.]
* [http://www.shakespeareindelawarepark.org Shakespeare in Delaware Park - Buffalo]
* [http://www.shakespeareintheparkinglot.org Shakespeare In the Parking Lot Theatre]
* [http://www.viva-ep.org Shakespeare on the Rocks Theater Festival (El Paso Association for the Performing Arts)]
* [http://www.shakespeareonthesound.org Shakespeare on the Sound, Inc.]
* [http://www.chapman.edu/shakespeare Shakespeare Orange County]
* [http://www.ShakespeareSA.com Shakespeare SA (South Africa)]
* [http://shakespearesantacruz.org Shakespeare Santa Cruz]
* [http://www.shakespearetheatre.org Shakespeare Theatre Company]
* [http://www.shakespeareventures.com Shakespeare Ventures]
* [http://www.shakespeares-globe.org Shakespeare's Globe]
* [http://www.swshakespeare.org Southwest Shakespeare Company]
* [http://www.stratfordfestival.ca Stratford Festival of Canada]
* [http://shakespeare.nd.edu Summer Shakespeare at Notre Dame]
*Tennessee Stage Company - East Tennessee Shakespeare in the Park
* [http://www.thecolonialtheater.org The Colonial Theatre]
*The Shakespeare Festival at Tulane
*The Shakespeare Guild
*Shakespeare Theatre of New Jersey
* [http://www.theateratmonmouth.org The Theater At Monmouth]
* [http://www.unseamd.org Unseam'd Shakespeare Co.]
* [http://www.bard.org Utah Shakespearean Festival]
* [http://www.valleyshakes.org Valley Shakespeare Festival]
* [http://vsf.wm.edu Virginia Shakespeare Festival]
* [http://www.woodwardshakespeare.org Woodward Shakespeare Festival]External links
* [http://www.staaonline.org/ STAA Homepage]
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