Lector Latinus

Lector Latinus

Lector Latinus (L., "Latin Reader") is a Windows program designed to help the user read and study Latin texts more quickly and intelligently. It is a reading environment which incorporates a number of electronic resources.


Lector Latinus includes:
* Two Latin dictionaries:
** One with full morphological parsing (the identification of the grammatical function of the word in its context);
** The other with long marks and etymological information), a Latin grammar, and a huge searchable library of classical, medieval, Renaissance, and modern Latin texts (it should be noted that both of these features are can be currently found to some degree at the Tufts University hosted Perseus Project).
*A "Latnlink" feature that turns any Latin text into an HTML file with each word linked to an on-line dictionary .
*Built-in access to on-line resources such as Latin dictionaries, special vocabularies, reference works on the ancient and medieval world.
*A logfile function for students or scholars who research in Latin. This will keep track of every word the user looks up while reading a text, and may be viewed later to assist in retention of vocabulary learned in the course of the session. The user may easily check his memory of the words' meanings simply by right-clicking on each word to display the definition.

External links

* [http://ll.50webs.com Lector Latinus homepage]
* [http://www.centaursystems.com/catalog/lectorlat.html Centaur Systems] , where the program is available for purchase
* [http://www.geocities.com/abramring/lector/ll_download.html "Lector"] , A freeware version without many of the full version's features.

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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