Sign function

Sign function

In mathematics, the sign function is a mathematical function that extracts the sign of a real number. To avoid confusion with the sine function, this function is often called the signum function (after the Latin form of "sign").

In mathematical expressions the sign function is often represented as sgn.


The signum function of a real number "x" is defined as follows:

: sgn x = egin{cases}-1 & ext{if } x < 0, \0 & ext{if } x = 0, \1 & ext{if } x > 0. end{cases}


Any real number can be expressed as the product of its absolute value and its sign function:: x = sgn(x) cdot |x|,. qquad qquad (1)From equation (1) it follows that whenever "x" is not equal to 0 we have: sgn(x) = {x over |x,. qquad qquad (2)

The signum function is the derivative of the absolute value function (up to the indeterminacy at zero):: {d |x| over dx} = sgn(x) ,.

The signum function is differentiable with derivative 0 everywhere except at 0. It is not differentiable at 0 in the ordinary sense, but under the generalised notion of differentiation in distribution theory, the derivative of the signum function is two times the Dirac delta function,: {d sgn(x) over dx} = 2 delta(x) ,.

The signum function is related to the Heaviside step function "H"1/2("x") thus:: sgn(x) = 2 H_{1/2}(x) - 1 ,,where the 1/2 subscript of the step function means that "H"1/2(0) = 1/2. The signum can also be written using the Iverson bracket notation:: sgn x = - [x < 0] + [x > 0] ,.For k gg 0, a smooth approximation of the sign function is : sgn x approx anh(kx) ,.See Heaviside step function – Analytic approximations.

Complex Signum

The signum function can be generalized to complex numbers as:sgn z = frac{z} for any "z" ∈ mathbb{C} except "z" = 0. The signum of a given complex number "z" is the point on the unit circle of the complex plane that is nearest to "z". Then, for "z" ≠ 0,:sgn z = exp(iarg z),,where arg is the complex argument function.For reasons of symmetry, and to keep this a proper generalization of the signum function on the reals, also in the complex domain one usually defines sgn 0 = 0.

Another generalization of the sign function for real and complex expressions is "csgn", [Maple V documentation. May 21 1998] which is defined as:: operatorname{csgn}(z)= egin{cases} 1 & ext{if } Re(z) > 0 vee (Re(z) = 0 land Im(z) > 0), \ -1 & ext{if } Re(z) < 0 vee (Re(z) = 0 land Im(z) < 0), \ 0 & ext{if } Re(z)=Im(z)=0. end{cases}We then have (except for "z" = 0)::operatorname{csgn}(z) = frac{z}{sqrt{z^2 = frac{sqrt{z^2{z}.

Generalized signum function

At real values of ~x~, it is possible to define a generalized function&ndash;version of the signum function, varepsilon (x), such that ~varepsilon(x)^2 =1~ everywhere, including at the point ~x=0~ (unlike ~sgn~, for which sgn(0)^2 =0~). This generalized signum allows construction of the algebra of generalized functions, but the price of such generalization is the loss of commutativity. In particular, the generalized signum anticommutes with the delta-function,cite journal
title = Algebra of one-dimensional generalized functions
] :varepsilon(x) delta(x)+delta(x) varepsilon(x) = 0~;in addition, ~varepsilon(x)~ cannot be evaluated at ~x=0~; and the special name, varepsilon is necessary to distinguish it from the function ~sgn~. (varepsilon(0) is not defined, but ~sgn(0) = 0~.)

ee also

*Negative and non-negative numbers
*Absolute value
*Rectangular function


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