1946 in Japan

1946 in Japan

in?= in Japan
cp=19th Century
c=20th century
cf=21st century


1946 was the 21st year of the Showa period in Japan and the second year of the Allied occupation.


*Emperor: Hirohito
*Prime Minister: Kijuro Shidehara, Shigeru Yoshida
*Supreme Commander Allied Powers: Douglas MacArthur


*April 10: The Diet elections(a lower House of Representatives and upper House of Peers. Liberal Party wins 141 of 466 Diet seats, followed by the Progressive Party with 94 and the Socialist Party with 93.
*April 16: Kijuro Shidehara resigns as president of the Progressive Party, and as prime minister effective April 22.
*April 22: "Sazae-san" is first published.
*May 2: Ichiro Hatoyama receives imperial order to form a cabinet.
*May 3: International Military Tribunal for the Far East convenes.
*May 4: SCAP purges Hatoyama.
*May 7: Tokyo Tsushin Kogyo, the predecessor of Sony, is founded.
*May 16: Shigeru Yoshida receives imperial order to form a cabinet.
*May 22: Yoshida cabinet announced.
*June 20: Emperor Hirohito submits a revision of the Imperial Constitution to the Diet.
*August 16: Keidanren established.
*August 20: Serial killer Yoshio Kodaira is arrested.
*November 3: Constitution of Japan promulgated.
*December 21: The Nankai earthquake strikes Wakayama Prefecture, killing 1,443.


*February 19: Hiroshi Fujioka, actor
*October 10: Naoto Kan, politician


*February 10: Mushitaro Oguri, novelist

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