- Torres Strait Creole
name=Torres Strait Creole
fam1=Creole language
fam2=English Creole
iso3=tcsTorres Strait Creole (also "Torres Strait Pidgin, Torres Strait Brokan/Broken, Cape York Creole, Lockhart Creole, Papuan
Pidgin English") is an oral,creole language spoken on severalTorres Strait Islands (Queensland ,Australia ), Northern Cape York and South-Western Coastal Papua. It has approximately 25 000mother-tongue and bi/tri-lingual speakers and several second-language speakers. It is widely used as a language of trade and commerce. It has five main dialects: Papuan, Western-Central, TI, Eastern, and Cape York. Its main characteristics show that it is a Pacific Pidgin, however the future in X [i] go VERB aligns it with Atlantic Creoles. Related languages arePijin of theSolomon Islands ,Tok Pisin ofPapua New Guinea , andBislama ofVanuatu . The other Creoles of Australia (Roper River Kriol etc.) are more distantly related, being descendants of the Pidgin English that developed in and around Sydney after the colonisation of Australia.Records of a pidgin English being used in Torres Strait exist at least from the 1840s, and therefore Torres Strait Creole may very well be older than its sister languages, and not a descendant of any of these. The main importers of the pidgin were British and other sailors (some of whom were South Sea Islanders), and therefore Brokan has various characteristics of this strong British Sailor's Pidgin English influence. The main influences were Singapore Pidgin, Pacific Pidgin and Jamaican Creole.
Example text
Brokan i kriol langgus we i spikem lo dhem ailan blo Thoris Stret, lo nòth-said blo Kep Yòk, lo Sauth-Wes-said blo Papua. I gad samwe waze 25,000 pipol i sabe tokem waze namba-wan langgus, namba-tu langgus 'ne namba-thri langgus blo dhempla. Ol i yuzem lo plande ples waze langgus blo treiding an bai òl samthing. I gad paib kain Brokan: blo Papua, blo Westen-Sentrel, blo Tiai, blo Esten, blo Kep Yok. Ol dhem wòd blo em soem dhiskain pò yumpla, waze em i pizin blo Pasipik, dhasòl i gad wanwan thing, òlsem we yumpla spik pò taim we i go kam, yumpla yuzi X [i] go meke samthing, dhisan i gad rilesen lo Kriol blo Atlantic, blo Zameka.
Thri langgus we i òlsem Brokan i Pijin blo Solomon Ailan, Tok Pisin blo Niu Gini, ane Bislama blo Banuatu.
Personal Pronouns
Singular: 1st sub. ai, non-sub. mi; 2nd sub. yu, non-sub. yu; 3rd defining sub. em, non-sub. em; 3rd non-defining sub. i, non-sub. em
Dual: 1st mitu; 1-2 yumi; 2nd yutu; 3rd dhemtu (variant non-sub. -emtu)
Plural: 1st mipla (dialect variant wi); 1-2 yumpla (rhetorical variant yumi); 2nd yupla; 3rd defining dhempla (variant non-sub. -empla); 3rd non-dedfining sub. ol, non-sub. dhempla/-empla
Verb tense/aspect/mood
lugaut 'take care, beware' (der. from 'look out')
remote future bambai X (i) go lugaut
near future X (i) go lugaut
present X (i) lugaut
recent past X (i) zasnau (bin) lugaut
past X (i) bin lugaut
completive past X (i) pinis/oredi lugaut
habitual past X (i) yustu bin lugaut
advice X (i) sud lugaut
obligation X (i) mas/aptu lugaut
dependent obligation X (i) blo/spostu lugaut
continuative X (i) matha go
multiplicative X (i) go-go
lengthening X (i) go go go goooo
simplicative X (i) dhasol go, X (i) matha dhasol go
ordinaritive X (i) dhasol go, X (i) kasa (dhasol) go
The language has vocabulary from various sources, though the dominant source language is English.
Non-English words:
Kalaw Kawaw Ya : "yawo" "goodbye", "matha" "only/very", "mina" "really/truly", "babuk" "crosslegged"Austronesian: "thalinga" "ear", "bala" "brother, male friend", "thabu" "coconut toddy", "makan" "eat", "dudu" "sit", "kaikai" "eat"
Portuguese: "pikinini" "child"
Though a claim could be made that the word "puripuri" "magic" could be from [http://www.ethnologue.com/show_language.asp?code=swp Suau] , it is more likely to be a retention of the early Torres Strait pidgin form of Kauraraigau Ya (Kowrareg), the Southern dialect of Kala Lagaw Ya, in which the word was puri (in the modern dialects puyi), pidgin form "puripuri".
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