
By Place

Roman Empire

* January 1Pertinax is proclaimed Roman Emperor.
* Due to a lack of money in the Imperial treasury, Pertinax is forced to suspend the food programs established by Trajan.
* Pertinax is forced to reorganize the handling of finances, which was wrecked under Commodus, and to reestablish discipline in the army. The latter provokes the ire of the Praetorians.
* March 28Roman Emperor Pertinax is assassinated by members of the Praetorian Guard, who then sell the throne in an auction to Didius Julianus.
* April 9Septimius Severus is proclaimed Roman Emperor by the army in Illyricum (in the Balkans). The Severan dynasty starts.
* Before entering Rome, Severus avenges the death of Pertinax by disarming and sacking the Praetorian guard. Prior to this, the Praetorian guard was staffed with recruits from Italy, from now on it will be staffed by members drawn from the provincial legions.
* June 1 — Roman Emperor Didius Julianus is assassinated in his palace.
* Septimius Severus finally gains control of the Roman Empire, after eliminating Pescennius Niger and Didius Julianus. Clodius Albinus also claims the Empire.
* Counterfeiting workshops begin to appear throughout the Roman Empire.
* This is the year of the Five Emperors.


* Last (4th) year of "Chuping" era of the Chinese Han Dynasty.


* Luo Tong, general under Sun Quan of Wu (d. 228)


* March 28Roman Emperor Pertinax (assassinated) (b. 126)
* June 1 — Roman Emperor Didius Julianus (assassinated)
* Liu Yu, general of the Han Dynasty

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