Hausdorff measure

Hausdorff measure

In mathematics a Hausdorff measure is a type of outer measure, named for Felix Hausdorff, that assigns a number in [0,∞] to each set in R"n" or, more generally, in any metric space. The zero dimensional Hausdorff measure is the number of points in the set (if the set is finite) or ∞ if the set is infinite. The one dimensional Hausdorff measure of a simple curve in R"n" is equal to the length of the curve. Likewise, the two dimensional Hausdorff measure of a measurable subset of R2 is proportional to the area of the set. Thus, the concept of the Hausdorff measure generalizes counting, length and area. It also generalizes volume. In fact, there are "d"-dimensional Hausdorff measures for any "d" ≥ 0 which is not necessarily an integer. These measures are fundamental in geometric measure theory. They appear naturally in harmonic analysis or potential theory.


Let ("X",ρ) be a metric space. For any subset "U" ⊂ "X", let diam("U") denote its diameter, that is diam("U") = sup{ ρ("x","y") | "x","y" ∈ "U"}.

Let "S" be any subset of "X", and δ > 0 a real number. Define:H^d_delta(S)=infBigl{sum_{i=1}^infty operatorname{diam}(U_i)^d: igcup_{i=1}^infty U_isupset S,,operatorname{diam}(U_i)(The infimum is over all countable covers of "S" by sets U_isubset X satisfying operatorname{diam}(U_i).)

Note that H^d_delta(S) is monotone decreasing in δ since the larger δ is, the more collections of sets are permitted. Thus, the limit lim_{delta o 0}H^d_delta(S) exists. Let: H^d(S):=sup_{delta>0} H^d_delta(S)=lim_{delta o 0}H^d_delta(S).It can be seen that H^d(S) is an outer measure (more precisely, it is a metric outer measure). By general theory, its restriction to the σ-field of Caratheodory-measurable sets is a measure. It is called the d-dimensional Hausdorff measure of S. Due to the metric outer measure property, all Borel subsets of X are H^d measurable.

In the above definition the sets in the covering are arbitrary. However, they may be taken to be open or closed, and will yield the same measure, although the approximations H^d_delta(S) may be different harv|Federer|1969|loc=§2.10.2. If "X" is a normed space the sets may be taken to be convex. However, the restriction of the covering families to balls gives a different measure.

Properties of Hausdorff measures

Note that if "d" is a positive integer, the "d" dimensional Hausdorff measure of Rd is a rescaling of usual "d"-dimensional Lebesgue measure lambda_d which is normalized so that the Lebesgue measure of the unit cube [0,1] "d" is 1. In fact, for any Borel set "E",: lambda_d(E) = 2^{-d} alpha_d H^d(E), where α"d" is the volume of the unit "d"-ball,

:alpha_d = frac{pi^{d/2{Gamma(frac{d}{2}+1)}.

Remark. Some authors adopt a slightly different definition of Hausdorff measure than the one chosen here, the difference being that it is normalized in such a way that Hausdorff "d"-dimensional measure in the case of Euclidean space coincides exactly with Lebesgue measure.

Relation with Hausdorff dimension

One of several possible equivalent definitions of the Hausdorff dimension is:operatorname{dim}_{mathrm{Haus(S):= inf{dge 0:H^d(S)=0}=supigl({dge 0:H^d(S)=infty}cup{0}igr),where we take infemptyset=infty.


In geometric measure theory and related fields, the Minkowski content is often used to measure the size of a subset of a metric measure space. For suitable domains in Euclidean space, the two notions of size coincide, up to overall normalizations depending on conventions. More precisely, a subset of R"n" is said to be "m"-rectifiable if it is the image of a bounded set in R"m" under a Lipschitz function. If "m" < "n", then the "m"-dimensional Minkowski content of a closed "m"-rectifiable subset of R"n" is equal to 2−mα"m" times the "m"-dimensional Hausdorff measure harv|Federer|1969|loc=Theorem 3.2.29.

In fractal geometry, some fractals with Hausdorff dimension d have zero or infinite d-dimensional Hausdorff measure. For example, almost surely the image of planar Brownian motion has Hausdorff dimension 2 and its two-dimensional Hausdoff measure is zero. In order to “measure” the “size” of such sets, mathematicians have considered the following variation on the notion of the Hausdorff measure. In the definition of the measure |U_i|^d is replaced with phi(|U_i|) where phi is any monotone increasing function phi: [0,infty) o [0,infty) satisfying phi(0)=0.

This is the Hausdorff measure of S with gauge function phi or phi-Hausdorff measure. A d-dimensional set S may satisfy H^d(S)=0, but H^phi(S)in(0,infty) with an appropriate phi. Examples of gauge functions include phi(t)=t^2,loglogfrac 1t or phi(t) = t^2logfrac{1}{t}logloglogfrac{1}{t}. The former gives almost surely positive and sigma-finite measure to the Brownian path in mathbb{R}^n when n>2, and the latter when n=2.



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