- Binary matrix
mathematics , particularlymatrix theory , a binary matrix or (0,1)-matrix is a matrix in which each entry is either zero or one. For example::egin{pmatrix}0 & 1\1 & 0\end{pmatrix} is a 2 × 2 binary matrix.
Frequently operations on binary matrices are defined in terms of
modular arithmetic mod 2 — that is, the elements are treated as elements of theGalois field GF(2) = mathbb{Z}_2. They arise in a variety of representations and have a number of more restricted special forms.The number of "m×n" binary matrices is equal to 2mn, and is thus finite.
Examples of binary matrices are numerous:
* A
permutation matrix is a (0,1)-matrix, all of whose columns and rows each have exactly one nonzero element.
** ACostas array is a special case of a permutation matrix
* Anincidence matrix incombinatorics andfinite geometry has ones to indicate incidence between points (or vertices) and lines of a geometry, blocks of ablock design , or edges of agraph (mathematics)
* Adesign matrix inanalysis of variance is a (0,1)-matrix with constant row sums.
* Anadjacency matrix ingraph theory is a matrix whose rows and columns represent the vertices and whose entries represent the edges of the graph. The adjacency matrix of a simple, undirected graph is a binarysymmetric matrix with zero diagonal.
* Thebiadjacency matrix of a simple, undirectedbipartite graph is a (0,1)-matrix, and any (0,1)-matrix arises in this way.
* The prime factors of a list of "m" square-free, "n"-smooth numbers can be described as a "m"×π("n") (0,1)-matrix, where π is theprime-counting function and "a""ij" is 1 if and only if the "j"th prime divides the "i"th number. This representation is useful in thequadratic sieve factoring algorithm.
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