- Elementary stream
An elementary stream (ES) as defined by
MPEG communication protocol is usually the output of an audio or videoencoder . ES contains only one kind of data, e.g. audio, video or closed caption. An elementary stream is often referred to as "elementary", "data", "audio", or "video"bitstream s or streams. The format of the elementary stream depends upon the codec or data carried in the stream, but will often carry a common header when packetized into a packetized elementary stream.Header for MPEG-2 video elementary stream
General layout of MPEG-1 audio elementary stream
The digitized sound signal is divided up into blocks of 384 samples in Layer I and 1152 samples in Layers II and III. The sound sample block is encoded within an audio frame:
* header
* error check
* audio data
* ancillary dataThe header of a frame contains general information such as the MPEG Layer, thesampling frequency , the number of channels, whether the frame is CRC protected, whether the sound is the original [http://le-hacker.org/hacks/mpeg-drafts/11172-3.pdf] :Although most of this information may be the same for all frames, MPEG decided to give each audio frame such a header in order to simplify synchronization and bitstream editing.ee also
*Packetized Elementary Stream
*Transport stream External links
* [http://dvd.sourceforge.net/dvdinfo/mpeghdrs.html MPEG Headers Quick Reference]
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.