List of Kings of Judea

List of Kings of Judea

This page lists rulers of Judea and other related Jewish Kingdoms from the Maccabean Rebellion to the final Roman annexations.

Hasmonean Rebel Leaders (167153 BC)

*Judas Maccabeus 167160 BC
*Jonathan Maccabaeus 160153 BC

Hasmonean High Priests and Kings (15337 BC)

*Jonathan Maccabaeus 153142 BC
*Simon Maccabaeus 142134 BC
*John Hyrcanus I 134104 BC
*Aristobulus I (also King) 104103 BC
*Alexander Jannaeus (also King) 10376 BC
*Alexandra Salome (Queen) 7667 BC
*John Hyrcanus II (High Priest only) 7666 BC
*Aristobulus II 6663 BC
*John Hyrcanus II (High Priest only) 6340 BC
*Antigonus 4037 BC

Herodian Dynasty (60 BCAD 100)

*Antipater the Idumaean (Governor of Judaea) 6043 BC
*Herod (Governor of Galilee) 4740 BC
*Phasael (Governor of Jerusalem) 4740 BC
*Herod the Great, "King of the Jews", elected by Roman Senate, 374 BC
*Herod Archelaus (Ethnarch of Judaea) 4 BCAD 6
*Herod Antipas (Tetrarch of Galilee) 4 BCAD 39
*Herod Philip I (Tetrarch of Batanaea) 4 BCAD 34
*Herod Philip II (Tetrarch of Ituraea and Trachonitis) 4 BC-AD 34
*Herod Agrippa I
**Tetrarch of Batanaea 3741
**Tetrarch of Galilee 4041
**King 4144
*Herod Agrippa II, Tetrarch of Chalcis 5052, then Tetrarch of Batanaea) AD 50100

=The Administration of Judaea (AD 6135)=

*Tax Revolt of the Zealots 6

=Roman Prefects=

*Coponius 69
*Marcus Ambivulus 912
*Annius Rufus 1215
*Valerius Gratus 1526
*Pontius Pilate 2636
*Marcellus 3637
*Marullus 3741

=Roman Procurators=

*Cuspius Fadus 4446
*Tiberius Julius Alexander 4648
*Ventidius Cumanus 4852
*Marcus Antonius Felix 5260
*Porcius Festus 6062
*Lucceius Albinus 6264
*Gessius Florus 6466
*Marcus Antonius Julianus 66-70 (dates uncertain)

=Roman Legates=

*Sextus Vettulenus Cerialis 70-71
*Lucilius Bassus 71-72
*Lucius Flavius Silva 72-81
*M. Salvidenus c.80
*Cnaeus Pinarius Aemilius Cicatricula Pompeius Longinus c.86
*Sextus Hermetidius Campanus c.93
*Lucius Vibullius Hipparchus Tiberius Claudius Atticus Herodes Marathonios c.99/100-102/103
*Gaius Julius Quadratus Bassus 102/103-104/105
*Quintus Roscius Coelius Murena Silius Decianus Vibullius Pius Iulius Eurycles Herculanus Pompeius Falco 105-107
*Tiberianus c.114
*Lusius Quietus 117
*Lucius Cossonius Gallus 120
*Quintus Tineius Rufus c.132
*Gaius Quinctius Certus Publius Marcellus c.133
*Sextus Julius Severus c.135

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