- Anton Bullandt
Anton Bullandt, also Antoine Bullant ( _ru. Антон Булландт or Антуан Бюлан, born: 1750 in
Mělník ,Bohemia — died:June 25 [OS 13] 1821St Petersburg ) was a Czechmusician (bassoon player) andopera composer that worked almost whole his life inImperial Russia .He is also sometimes referred to as Jean Bullant (Жан Бюлан). In Russian his name was also transliterated as Булан, Булант, Буллант and sometimes "trans-transliterated" in other languages (e.g., in German, in lists of operas) as Bulant, Bullanto, Bullault, Bullandt, Bjulan.
The "
Grove Dictionary of Music " explains him as a Frenchcomposer andbassoonist of Czech origin, born inAmiens (?), who in 1771 or 1772 settled inParis , where published four symphonies (1773) and some chamber instrumental ensembles.There is some controversial information that Bullandt came to Russia in 1780, and entered the service in
Imperial St Petersburg Theatre s in 1783 and was a founder of "St Petersburg Philharmonic Society". Biographical data about him are scarce.Works
He wrote a large number of operas with Russian
libretto s, often within Russian national settings, some of which were written byYakov Knyazhnin . The most successful of them was "Sbitenshchik " ("Сбитеньщик —Sbiten Vendor"),comic opera in 3 acts, written to the libretto byYakov Knyazhnin . It was a remake ofMolière 's "L'école des femmes ". The opera was staged 1783 or 1784 inSt Petersburg , at theBolshoi Kamenny Theatre , and was played until 1853;He was also credited for several famous
comic opera s of that time probably by mistake, because some of them, were also atrributed to other composers likeIvan Kerzelli andVasily Pashkevich ):*"Lyubovnik - koldun" ("Любовник-колдун" — The Lover-Magician", one-act
opera , libretto byNikolai Nikolev , 1772 Moscow), that was also attributed toIvan Kerzelli ;
*"Gorbatye" ("Горбатые" — The Hunchbacked People", 1779 St Petersburg);
*"Torzhestvo dobrodeteli nad krasotoy" ("Торжество добродетели над красотой — Celebration of Virtues Above the Beauty" 1780,St Petersburg );
*"Kuznets" ("Кузнец — The Blacksmith", 1780St Petersburg );
*"Muzhya-zhenikhi svoikh zhon" ("Мужья-женихи своих жён" — "The Husbands-bride-grooms of their Wives", 1784St Petersburg ),
*"Sbitenshchik " ("Сбитеньщик —Sbiten Vendor"),comic opera in 3 acts, libretto:Yakov Knyazhnin afterMolière , 1783 or 1784,St Petersburg ,Bolshoi Kamenny Theatre , ;
*"The Fisherman and Spirit" ("Рыбак и Дух — The Fisherman and Spirit" , 1787);
*"Milovzor and Prelesta" ("Миловзор и Прелеста", 1787);
*"Dobrodetelny Volshebnik" ("Добродетельный волшебник" — "Virtuous Vizard"), dramatic opera in 5 acts,libretto :Yakov Knyazhnin ,Moscow , 1787;
*"Gipsy" ("Цыган", 1788);
*"Kak pozhivyosh, tak i proslyvyosh " ("Как поживёшь, так и прослывёшь — As you live you will be judged", libretto byMikhail Matinsky , 1792St. Petersburg ) — revision of "Saint-Petersburg's Trade Stalls" that was also attributed toVasily Pashkevich ;
*"Vinetta, ili Taras v Ulye" ("Винетта, или Тарас в улье" — "Vinetta, or Taras in a Beehive"),comic opera in 2 acts, libretto: K. Damsky, 1799,St Petersburg ;
*"Skupoyr" ("Скупой — The Miser", libretto byYakov Knyazhnin afterMolière , 1782?, 1811St Petersburg &Moscow that was also attributed toVasily Pashkevich ;
*"Pritvirno sumashedshaya" ("Притворно сумасшедшая — Hypocritically Mad Woman'), etc.References
*Aleksandr Polovtsov, "Russian Biographical Dictionary" (Русский Биографический Словарь)
External links
* [http://www.operone.de/komponist/bullant.html operone.de: Works of Bullant] de icon
* [http://www.fandopera.com/Compos002/bullant.htm Short information] fr icon
* [http://www.rulex.ru/01021222.htm rulex.ru: Бюлан Антон] ru icon
* [http://www.practica.ru/Grove/Be29.htm#Bullant Бюллан] ru icon
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