

name = Galaxie
logofile = Galaxie logo.svg
logoalt = Galaxie logo
logosize = 200px
launch = September 10, 1997
closed date =
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network =
owner = Canadian Broadcasting Corporation
slogan = The Continuous Music Network
country = Canada
broadcast area = National
headquarters = Ottawa, Ontario
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web = [ Galaxie]

Galaxie is a Canadian multilingual digital broadcasting or digital television radio service that was launched in 1997 and is owned and operated by the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation.


Galaxie offers 52 commercial-free music channels, each devoted to a particular genre of music, using no live, on-air disc jockeys. Most channels operate in either English or French languages, however Galaxie offers 7 channels that operate in several different languages.

Galaxie services have also sometimes aired on CBC Radio One and CBC Radio Two as substitute programming in situations, such as the 2005 Canadian Media Guild labour dispute or brief periods of technical difficulties, when regular programming could not be aired.


* Note: Not all channels are required and/or carried by all providers that carry the service.


Galaxie is distributed through digital cable or direct broadcast satellite service providers such as Bell TV, Star Choice, Rogers Cable, Shaw Cable, Vidéotron, Cogeco and more.

Because of service duplication, Max Trax (another music provider) and Galaxie agreed in 2002 to provide a joint 40-channel audio distribution service to satellite and digital cable television providers. This service is known as the "Max Trax Galaxie Package". The package consists of 20 Galaxie and 20 Max Trax channels.

* Note: Channels marked in BOLD lettering indicates the Galaxie channels included in the Max Trax/Galaxie combo.
* Channels marked with (*) indicates that only certain providers carry this channel in the package.

Artist development

The service sponsors a number of "Galaxie Rising Star Awards" presented at a variety of music festivals and awards presentations each year, including Canadian Music Week's Indie Awards, the East Coast Music Awards, and the Western Canadian Music Awards, among numerous others. [ [ Galaxie Rising Stars Program of the CBC] ]

Galaxie also sponsors an annual Songs from the Heart competition for new and emerging songwriters. The Colleen Peterson Songwriting Award is presented to the winner of the competition.

External links

* [ Galaxie]

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