PDI can mean


  • Party for Justice and Integration, an Albanian political party
  • Partai Demokrasi Indonesia (Indonesian Democratic Party) (1973–2004), a defunct political party
  • Polo Democrático Independiente (Independent Democratic Pole, a Colombian leftwing social democratic political party


  • Investigations Police of Chile (Spanish: Policia de Investigaciones de Chile), the state police force of Chile
  • Pacific Data Images (1980–2000), former American computer animation production company, purchased by DreamWorks
  • Personal data interchange, an information sharing standard developed by the Versit Consortium
  • Philippine Daily Inquirer
  • Pilot direction indicator, guides a bomber pilot during a bomb run
  • Plumbing & Drainage Institute, an American plumbing products manufacturers certification organization
  • Polydispersity index, a term in polymer chemistry referring to the molecular weight distribution of polymers
  • Portable Database Image (.pdi), a file format to store structured databases for reporting and analysis in a highly compressed way
  • Powered Descent Initiate, term used to describe the maneuver of the Apollo Lunar Module as it descended from lunar orbit to landing
  • Pre Delivery Inspection, term used to describe final inspection by the client of bespoke machinery and systems taken place just prior to delivering to the endures / customer
  • Program and Debug Interface, an Atmel proprietary interface for external programming and on-chip debugging of computing devices.
  • Projected Digital Image, a digital image used for projection, often in the context of a photographic competition
  • Protein dispersibility index, a means of comparing the solubility of a protein in water
  • Protein disulfide isomerase, an enzyme which catalyzes the formation and breakage of disulfide bonds in proteins
  • Pentaho Data Integration, Pentaho Data Integration (PDI, also called Kettle) is the component of Pentaho responsible for the Extract, Transform and Load (ETL) processes.

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