- Bedi clan
Bedi (Hindi: बेदी) is a well known
Khatri clan inIndia .Guru Nanak Dev , the founder ofSikhism , was born into this clan. His son,Sri Chand was the founder of theUdasi order, which is the oldest of the existing Sikh sect.Etymology
The ancestors of
Guru Nanak Dev came to be called as "Bedi" ("Vedi"), because they had studied theVedas , the ancientHindu texts, according to theBichitra Natak , theautobiography of the tenth Sikh Guru,Guru Gobind Singh .The text below is taken from the
Dasam Granth (Bichitra Natak section), [ [http://www.sridasam.org/dasam?Action=Page&p=127 SriDasam Granth Sahib (Bichitra Natak . ] ]BHUJANG PRAYAAT STANZA
The descendants of Lava have all been victorious and the (descendants of Kusha) were all defeated. The descendants of Kusha who remained alive, saved themselves by feeing away.They went to Kashi and real all the four Vedas. They lived there for many years.52.Those who studied the Vedas, called Vedis (Bedis), they absorbed themselves in good acts of righteousness.The Sodhi king of Madra Desha (Punjab) sent letters to them, entreating them to forget the past enmities.1.The messengers sent by the king came to Kashi and gave the message to all the Bedis.All the reciters of the Vedas came to Madra Desha and made obeisance to the king.2.The king caused them to recite the Vedas in the traditional manner and all the brethren (both Sodhis and Pelis) sat tohether.Saam-Veda, Yajur-Veda and Rig-Ved were recited, the essence of the sayings was imbibed (by the king and his clan).3.The sin-remover Atharva-Veda was recited.The king was highly pleased and the bequeathed his kingdom to Bedis.4.He himself adopted the sin-destroyer Vanaprastha Ashrama.He put on the garb of a sage (rishi) and gave his kingdom to the reciter (Amrit Rai)5.The people tried to the king to do so, but, he had abandoned all sorrows.And leaving his wealth and property, absorbed himself in divine love.6.Having been bestowed the kingdom, the Bedis were very much pleased. With happy heart, he predicted this boon:When in the Iron Age, I shall be called Nanak, you will attain the Supreme State and be worshipped by the world."7.The descendants of Lava, after handing over the kingdom, went to the forest, and the Bedis (descendants of Kusha) began to rule.They enjoyed all comforts of the earth in various ways.8.O Sdhi king! You have listened to the recitation of three Vedas, and while listening to the fourth, you gave away your kingdom.When I shall have taken three births, you will be made the Guru in he fourth birth."9.That (Sodhi) king left for the forest, and this (Bedi) king absorbed himself in royal pleasures.To what extent, I should narrate the story? It is feared that this book will become voluminous.10.There arose again quarrels and enmities, there was none to defuse the situation.In due course of time it actually happened that the Bedi caln lost its kingdom.1.The Vaishyas acted like Shudras and Kshatriyas like Vaishyas.The Vaishyas acted like Kshatriyas and Shudras like Brahmins.2.Only twenty villages were left with the Bedis, where they became agriculturists.A long time passed like this till the birth of Nanak.3.Nanak Rai took birth in the Bedi clan.He brought comfort to all his disciples and helped them at all times.4.Guru Nanak spread Dharma in the Iron Age and put the seekers on the path.Those who followed the path propagated by him, were never harmed by the vices.5.All those who came within his fold, they were absolved of all their sins and troubles,Their sorrows, their wants were vanished and even their transmigration came to and end.6.Nanak transformed himself to Angad and spread Dharma in the world
Sri Chand was a celibate yogi, but his younger brother, Lakshmi Chand (or Lakshmi Das), was married to the daughter of Diwan Uttam Chand. It is said that all the Bedis today are descendants of Manak Chand and Mehr Chand, the two sons of Lakshmi Chand. Traditionally the Bedis were specially repected by the
Sikh s. Baba Kaladhari, a Bedi, was honoured and given special gifts by Guru Gobind Singh. Baba Kaladhari had inherited a cap ("seli topi") originally worn by Guru Nanak Dev. This cap has been preserved atUna in present-dayHimachal Pradesh . Sahib Singh Bedi was asked to preside over the coronation of Maharaja Ranjit Singh. Baba Khem Singh Bedi along with Thakur Singh Sanduwallia founded theSanatan Singh Sabha . The current head of the family is BabaSarabjot Singh Bedi and he is based inUna, Himachal Pradesh .Guru Nanak Ji's Chola(upper garment) is lying on display at Sri Chola Sahib at Dera Baba Nanak which is managed by a local Bedi family who's progeny takes turns to control and collect manage donations for the upkeep of the Gurudwara. Dera Baba Nanak is the traditional home of the Bedi clan some of whom were granted Jagirs by Maharaja Ranjit Singh who had profound respect for the Bedis, particularly
Baba Sahib Singh Bedi who had put coronation Tilak on the forehead ofMaharaja Ranjit Singh .One more head of the family Baba
Tikka Baba Harbhajan singh bedi is based in Chandigarh, India. Tikka Baba Harbhajan Singh bedi is the 16th Descendent in the bloodline starting from Guru Nanak Dev ji with two sons Tikka Surjinder singh bedi and Kuwar Arvinder Singh Bedi. [ [http://www.sridasam.org/dasam?Action=Page&p=127 Sri Dasam Granth Sahib ] ]Family tree of
Tikka Baba Harbhajan Singh Bedi 1.Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji (1469-1539)
2.Baba lakhmi das ji and Baba Sri. chand ji (never married)
3.Baba Dhram Chand JI
4.Baba Mehar Chand JI
5.Baba Roop Chand JI
6.Baba Karam chand JI
7.Baba Maha Singh JI
8.Baba Lakhpat JI
9.Baba Raghpat JI
10.Baba Gandaa Singh JI
11.Baba Mool Singh JI
12.Baba Kartar Singh JI
13.Baba Pratp Singh ji
14.Baba Vikrama Singh JI 15. Baba Narinder Singh JI
16.Tikka Baba Harbhajan Singh JI
17. Tikka Baba Surjinder Singh JI and Kuwar Baba Arvinder Singh JI
18. Tikka
Nainnoor Singh JI and KuwarGagandeep Singh Bedi JIEvery year second Sunday following after Diwali A Yag Samagam is done in the memory of the holy one to remember him and sing his praises.This year on 9th November 2008 Sunday.
Also another line exists, Baba Shib Dayal Bedi 1874-1941, Builder of the ITC Saharanpur, and builder of the railway line between Lahore and Delhi including the Jamuna Bridge. Baba Shiba Dayal Bedi also was the Munipal Comissioner of Saharanpur during the 1930's. Many Gurudwaras were built by Baba Shib Dayal Bedi.
Baba Ulas Rai Baba Shiba Dayal Bedi 1874-1941Baba Dina Nath Bedi 1939-1998 (A pioneer in the field of computer science) Baba Vickram A. Bedi 1974-
Am listing our family tree for kind connectivity going back to our ancestors:
Sache Patshah, Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji
Sri Baba Lakhmi Chand Ji
Sri Dharam Chand Ji
Sri Manak Chand Ji
Sri Jagat Chand Ji
Sri Hari Chand Ji
Sri Dargai Shah Ji
Sri Hukam Chand Ji
Sri Gharvas Chand Ji
Sri Boorh Chand Ji
Sri Faquir Baksh Ji
Sri Karam Singh Ji
Sri Bhagwan Das Ji
Sri Bawa Shiv Singh Ji...( My Grandfather)
Sri Amarjit Singh Ji Bedi ( My Respected Saint Father - 57 Model Town, Hoshiarpur-Pb M: 09815854758
Tejinder Singh Bedi ( Self - 09891160003, tsbedi@gmail.com)
Jasmeet and Harsween Bedi ( My children..)
* Guru Gobind Gingh, Vichitra Natak, Shiromani Gurudwara Prabandhak Committee, Amritsar.
* Max Arthur MacAuliff, The Sikh Religion, Vol 1, (The Life of Guru Nanak), Oxford University Press, 1909.
* Muncipal Records Saharanpur Uttar Pardesh India. Bedi Family Tree, Authenticated Belonging to Bedi decedents of Baba Shib Dayal Bedi.* [http://www.sridasamgranth.com www.sridasamgranth.com For more information on the Sri Dasam Granth Sahib]
* [http://www.sarbloh.info/htmls/article_samparda_bedis.html The Bedis]
* [http://www.tribuneindia.com/2001/20010728/windows/main1.htm Breathing new life into samadhis] The Tribune,July 28 2001 .
* [http://www.indianngos.com/districts/una_about.htm Una District] Principality of Bedi’s of Una
* [http://www.sikh-heritage.co.uk/personalities/baba%20khem%20Bedi/baba%20Kbedi.htm Baba Khem Singh Bedi]
* [http://www.sikh-heritage.co.uk/personalities/baba%20sahibsingh/sahibsingh.htm Baba Sahib Singh]
* [http://www.sridasam.org/dasam?Action=Page&p=127.htm reference from sri dasam granth]april2008
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