- 2006 in Japan
in?= in Japan
cp=20th Century
c=21st century
cf=22nd centuryyp1=2003
dn3=2030s2006 is the 18th year ofHeisei inJapan .Incumbents
* Prime Minister:
Junichiro Koizumi
*Chief Cabinet Secretary :Shinzo Abe
* Governor of Tokyo:Shintaro Ishihara
* Emperor:Akihito Events
*January 16 -Tokyo prosecutors raidLivedoor for suspected violations of securities laws.
*January 18 - Following the Livedoor raid, theTokyo Stock Exchange is overloaded with sell orders and is forced to stop trading.
*January 23 - Livedoor CEOTakafumi Horie and three other company officials are arrested and placed in detention.
*February 1 - Transit operators in theKansai region introduce thePiTaPa contactless fare card system.
*February 6 - Construction Ministry officials cite Toyoko Inns for multiple violations of building codes and disability access laws.
*February 23 -2006 Winter Olympics Shizuka Arakawa Gold medal acquisition.
*March 3 -5 - Asian round of theWorld Baseball Classic is held at theTokyo Dome .
*March 4 -Softbank announces its intention to purchase the Japanese subsidiary ofVodafone .
*April 7 -Ichirō Ozawa is elected president of theDemocratic Party of Japan .
*April 26 - Takahumi Horie is released from custody.
*April 26 -Hidetsugu Aneha is arrested for his role in theStructural Calculation Forgery Problem .
*May 1 - The new Corporations Act goes into effect, abolishingyugen kaisha and alteringkabushiki kaisha .
* June -Minato Ward 2006 elevator accident , a 16 year old student killed inMinato, Tokyo
*June 5 - Yoshiaki Murakami, manager of the Murakami Fund, is arrested forinsider trading .
*June 15 - A cross-party organization of 135 Diet members led byTaku Yamasaki proposes a secular replacement forYasukuni Shrine .
*July 14 -Bank of Japan abolishes the zero interest rate policy.
*July 20 - A memorandum from an Imperial Household Agency official is published in the "Nihon Keizai Shimbun" showing thatEmperor Hirohito refused to visitYasukuni Shrine after Class A war criminals were added to its rolls.
*August 9 - Beef imported from the United States goes on sale in Japan for the first time in months following a lengthy ban.
*August 14 - A blackout occurs throughout Tokyo, Chiba and Saitama during the morning rush hour after a barge-mounted crane disrupts a high-voltage line.
*August 15 - On the anniversary of the end of World War II, Koizumi makes his final visit toYasukuni Shrine .
*August 16 - A fishing boat is fired upon after crossing into Russian-claimed waters off the east coast ofHokkaidō .
*September 22 -Junichiro Koizumi 's term as president of the Liberal Democratic Party expires.Deaths
July 1 :Ryutaro Hashimoto , former prime ministertatistics
*Wealthiest person in Japan:
Masayoshi Son (net worth 7 billion USD)
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