Frederick Augustus Dixey

Frederick Augustus Dixey

Frederick Augustus Dixey (1855-January 16, 1935) was president of the Royal Entomological Society of London, and was a distinguished entomologist.

He went to Oxford University after starting in optometry, the profession of his father and grandfather, and chose to read medicine. He was Fellow of Wadham College, and also the Sub-Warden. He felt drawn to the church of St. Barnabas, Oxford, famous for its Anglo-Catholic tradition and ceremonies, he sang in the choir for nearly forty years. Dixey never practised medicine, but devoted himself to Natural History. He was an expert on the White Butterflies, Pieridae.

He was knocked down and killed by a bus in 1935 as he attempted to cross the road. It was due to his inability to judge distances accurately.


* Poulton, E. B. Frederick Augustus Dixey. 1855-1935. Obituary Notices of Fellows of the Royal Society, Vol. 1, No. 4 (Dec., 1935), pp. 465-474

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