(the) Rough Riders — the Rough Riders [the Rough Riders] noun [pl] the popular name for the First Regiment of US Cavalry Volunteers in the ↑Spanish American War. They included many ↑cowboys and were led by Colon … Useful english dictionary
THE ROUGH RIDERS — This trigger trio consisted of Buck Jones, Tim McCoy, and Raymond Hatton. They personified “the theme of irreversible progress” (Loy 2001, 42). The Rough Riders were rangers called out of retirement for each episode, working together, often… … Westerns in Cinema
The Rough Riders (TV series) — The Rough Riders was a western television series which was set in the West just after the American Civil War, appearing on ABC for the 1958 1959 television season. It was produced by Ziv Television, the company responsible for such hit shows as… … Wikipedia
Rough Riders — The Rough Riders was the name bestowed by the American press on the 1st United States Volunteer Cavalry Regiment during the Spanish American War.The original nickname for the regiment was Wood s Weary Walkers after its first commander, Colonel… … Wikipedia
Rough Riders (disambiguation) — Rough Riders refers to the 1st U.S. Volunteer Cavalry regiment during the Spanish American WarRough Riders may also refer to:;Other military units: * The City of London Yeomanry (Rough Riders), a regiment of the British Territorial Army * Rough… … Wikipedia
Rough Riders (film) — Rough Riders is a 1997 four hour television miniseries about Theodore Roosevelt and the regiment (the 1st US Volunteer Cavalry; aka the Rough Riders) he raised to fight in the Spanish American War of 1898.CastTom Berenger Theodore Roosevelt Sam… … Wikipedia
Rough Riders — Roosevelt und die Rough Riders auf dem San Juan Hügel, 1898 Rough Riders war der Name, der dem 1. US Volontär Kavallerieregiment während des Spanisch Amerikanischen Krieges seitens der amerikanischen Presse gegeben wurde. Inhaltsverzeichnis … Deutsch Wikipedia
Rough Riders — Le colonel Roosevelt et ses Rough Riders en juillet 1898 au sommet de la colline qu ils viennent de prendre, bataille de San Juan … Wikipédia en Français
Rough Riders (rollercoaster) — Rough Riders was a rollercoaster built by W.F. Mangels and located on Coney Island s Bowery from 1907 to 1916. It was known for its many accidents which led it to its closure. History W.F. Mangels installed his Rough Riders rollercoaster on the… … Wikipedia
Rough Riders — the members of a volunteer regiment of cavalry organized by Theodore Roosevelt and Leonard Wood for service in the Spanish American War. * * * Rough|rid|ers «RUHF RY duhrz», noun (plural), or Rough Riders, members of a volunteer cavalry regiment… … Useful english dictionary