

Nikephoros or Nicephorus ( _el. Νικηφόρος, "Bringer of Victory") is the name of:

* Nikephoros I, Byzantine emperor 802-811.
* Nikephoros II Phokas, Byzantine emperor 963-969.
* Nikephoros III Botaniates, Byzantine emperor 1078-1081.
* Patriarch Nikephoros I of Constantinople, Byzantine writer and patriarch, 758-829, author of a famous "Stichometry".
* Nicephorus Callistus Xanthopoulos, Greek ecclesiastical historian, c. 1320 AD.
* Nicephorus, Greek Orthodox Patriarch of Antioch, 1084 - 1090
* Patriarch Nicephorus of Alexandria, Orthodox Patriarch of Alexandria between 1639 and 1645.
* Nikephoros Bryennios, Byzantine general, statesman and historian, 1062–1137
* Nikephoros Ouranos, the Byzantine strategos of Antiocheia from 999 to circa 1010
* Nicephorus Gregoras, Byzantine historian, c. 1295-1360
* Nicephorus of Mount Athos (1300) Hesychast monk who first wrote out the sitting posture of staring at the heart or naval during the Hesychast prayer.
* Nikephoros Theotokis (1731-1800), Greek scholar who became an archbishop in RussiaPlace names:
*Nikiforos, a municipality in Greece

See also

* Nikifor (disambiguation)

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