

name = Labrisomids

image_width = 200px
image_caption = "Auchenionchus microcirrhis"
regnum = Animalia
phylum = Chordata
classis = Actinopterygii
ordo = Perciformes
subordo = Blennioidei
familia = Labrisomidae
subdivision_ranks = Genera
subdivision = See text.

Labrisomids are small blennioids, perciform marine fish belonging to the family Labrisomidae. Found mostly in the tropical Atlantic and Pacific Ocean, the family contains approximately 98 species in 14 genera.

Stockier than the average blenny, labrisomids are elongate nonetheless; their dorsal fin spines outnumber soft rays (which may be absent altogether), and the pelvic fins are long and slender. Like many other blennies, labrisomids have whisker-like structures called "cirri" on the head and nape. Scales may be cycloid or absent in labrisomids; many species are brightly coloured. The hairy blenny ("Labrisomus nuchipinnis") is the largest species at 23 centimeres in length; most are far smaller.

Generally staying within shallow coastal regions to depths of c. 10 metres, labrisomids are benthic fish spending most of their time on or near the bottom. Both sandy and rocky substrates are frequented, sometimes at reefs or amongst beds of seagrass. Labrisomids are shy fish and will retreat into crevices if threatened. Crustaceans, gastropods, brittle stars and sea urchins make up much of the labrisomid diet.

Two genera of labrisomid are noted for their ovoviviparity; "Xenomeda" and "Starksia" both retain eggs within the oviduct where they develop in safety. However, only "Starksia" species possess a gonopodium (a modified anal fin used as a copulatory organ).


* "Alloclinus"
* "Auchenionchus"
* "Calliclinus"
* "Cryptotrema"
* "Dialommus"
* "Exerpes"
* "Haptoclinus"
* "Labrisomus"
* "Malacoctenus"
* "Mnierpes"
* "Nemaclinus"
* "Paraclinus"
* "Starksia"
* "Xenomedea"

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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