- List of pharmacy associations
The following is a list of organizations for professionals involved in the practice of
pharmacy . Such organizations are typicallyprofessional societies, as opposed to trade associations.List
Pharmaceutical Group of the European Union (PGEU)] [http://www.pgeu.eu/]
*European Pharmaceutical Union (EPU)
*International Pharmaceutical Federation (FIP)
* [http://www.eahponline.org European Association of Hospital Pharmacists] (EAHP)
* [http://www.escpweb.org/site/cms/ European Society of Clinical Pharmacy] (ESCP)
* [http://www.ipsf.org International Pharmaceutical Students' Federation] (IPSF)
* [http://www.epsa-online.org/ European Pharmaceutical Student's Association] (EPSA)
* [http://www.acpa-rx.org/ American Chinese Pharmaceutical Association] (ACPA)
* [http://www.govi.de/iggp.htm International Society for the History of Pharmacy] (ISHP)Australia
* [http://www.guild.org.au Pharmacy Guild of Australia] (PGA)
* [http://www.acp.edu.au Australian College of Pharmacy Practice and Management] (The College)
*Pharmaceutical Society of Australia (PSA)
* [http://www.ypg.org.au Young Pharmacists' Group] (YPG)
* [http://www.napsa.org.au National Australian Pharmacy Students' Association] (NAPSA)
* [http://www.shpa.org.au Society of Hospital Pharmacists of Australia] (SHPA)Austria
* [http://www.aahp.at Austrian Association of Hospital Pharmacists (AAHP)]
* [http://www.apb.be Algemene Pharmaceutische Bond - Association Pharmaceutique Belge] (APB)
* [http://www.vfsa.be Vlaamse Farmaceutische Studentenassociatie] (VFSA)Canada
* [http://www.pharmacists.ca Canadian Pharmacists Association] (CPhA)
* [http://www.cshp.ca Canadian Society of Hospital Pharmacists] (CSHP)
* [http://www.ciparx.ca Canadian International Pharmacy Association] (CIPA)
* [http://www.capsi.ca The Canadian Association of Pharmacy Students and Interns] (CAPSI)
* [http://www.cccp.ca Canadian College of Clinical Pharmacy] (CCCP)
* [http://www.napra.org National Association of Pharmacy Regulatory Authorities] (NAPRA)
* [http://www.pebc.ca Pharmacy Examining Board of Canada/Bureau des examinateurs en pharmacie du Canada]
* [http://www.rxa.ca Alberta Pharmacists’ Association] (RxA)
* [http://www.pharmacists.ab.ca Alberta College of Pharmacists] (ACP)
* [http://www.bcpharmacy.ca British Columbia Pharmacy Association] (BCPhA)
* [http://www.ipabc.ca International Pharmacy Association of British Columbia] (IPABC)
* [http://www.bcpharmacists.org British Columbia College of Pharmacists] (BCCP)
* [http://www.msp.mb.ca Manitoba Society of Pharmacists] (MSP)
* [http://www.mipa.ca Manitoba International Pharmacists Association] (MIPA)
* [http://www.napra.org/docs/0/203/204.asp Manitoba Pharmaceutical Association] (MPhA)
* [http://www.nbpharma.ca/ New Brunswick Pharmacists' Association/Association des Pharmaciens du Nouveau-Brunswick]
* [http://www.nbpharmacists.ca New Brunswick Pharmaceutical Society/Ordre des Pharmaciens du Nouveau-Brunswick]
* [http://www.panl.net Pharmacists' Association of Newfoundland and Labrador] (PANL)
* [http://www.nlpb.ca Newfoundland & Labrador Pharmacy Board] (NLPB)
* [http://www.pans.ns.ca Pharmacy Association of Nova Scotia] (PANS)
* [http://www.nspharmacists.ca Nova Scotia College of Pharmacists] (NSCP)
* [http://www.opatoday.com Ontario Pharmacists' Association] (OPA)
* [http://www.ocpinfo.com Ontario College of Pharmacists] (OCP)
* [http://www.opq.org Ordre des Pharmaciens du Québec] (OPQ)
* [http://www.peipharm.info Prince Edward Island Pharmacists Association]
* [http://www.napra.org/docs/0/203/260.asp Prince Edward Island Pharmacy Board] (PEIPB)
* [http://www.skpharmacists.ca Pharmacists' Association of Saskatchewan] (PAS)
* [http://www.napra.org/docs/0/203/262/266.asp Saskatchewan College of Pharmacists] (SCP)Chile
* [http://www.colegiofarmaceutico.cl Colegio de Químico Farmacéuticos de Chile AG]
Costa Rica
* [http://www.colfar.co.cr Colegio de Farmacéuticos de Costa Rica]
* [http://www.farmakonom.dk/Engelsk.aspx The Danish Association of Pharmaconomists]
* [http://www.apotekerforeningen.dk/default.asp?cat=13&ID=28 The Danish Pharmaceutical Association]
* [http://pharmakon.com/asp/english_menu.asp?pageID=313 Pharmakon - The Danish College of Pharmacy Practice]
* [http://www.pharmadanmark.dk/ Pharmadanmark (The Danish Association of Pharmacists)]
* [http://www.psfdk.dk/ Farmaceuter Uden Grænser - PSF Denmark]France
* [http://www.ordre.pharmacien.fr Ordre National des Pharmaciens]
* [http://www.anepf.org Association Nationale des Etudiants en Pharmacie de France] (ANEPF)Germany
* [http://www.adka.de Association of German Hospital Pharmacists (ADKA)]
* [http://www.pci.nic.in/ Pharmacy Council of India]
* [http://www.pharmaceuticalsociety.ie/ The Pharmaceutical Society of Ireland]
*Pharmaceutical Society of Kenya (pharmacists)
*Kenya pharmaceutical association (pharmaceutical technologists)Malaysia
* [http://www.mps.org.my Malaysian Pharmaceutical Society] (MPS)
* [http://www.knmp.nl Koninklijke Nederlandse Maatschappij ter bevordering der Pharmacie] (KNMP)
New Zealand
* [http://www.psnz.org.nz Pharmaceutical Society of New Zealand] (PSNZ)
* [http://www.farmaceutene.no Norges Farmaceutiske Forening] (NFF)
* [http://www.nfs.no Norsk Farmaceutisk Selskap] (NFS)
* [http://www.sykehusfarmasi.org/nsf Norske Sykehusfarmasøyters Forening] (NSF)
*Norwegian Pharmacy Association [http://www.apotek.no]
* [http://www.fugnorge.no Farmasøyter Uten Grenser - PSF Norway] (FUG)
* [http://www.farmasiforbundet.no Farmasiforbundet]
* [http://www.lmi.no Legemiddelindustriforeningen] (LMI)
* [http://www.apoforsk.no Apoforsk - Institutt for Apotekforskning]Pakistan
* [http://www.pharmacist.pk Pakistan Pharmacists Society] (PPS)
* [http://www.portaldasfarmacias.com Associação de Farmácias de Portugal] (AFP)
* [http://www.anf.pt Associação Nacional de Farmácias] (ANF)
* [http://www.infarmed.pt Instituto Nacional da Farmácia e do Medicamento] (Infarmed)
* [http://www.ordemfarmaceuticos.pt Ordem dos Farmacêuticos]ingapore
* [http://www.pss.org.sg Pharmaceutical Society of Singapore] (PSS)
United Kingdom
* [https://www.apsgb.co.uk/ The Academy of Pharmaceutical Sciences]
* [http://www.abpi.org.uk/ Association of the British Pharmaceutical Industry]
* [http://www.bopa-web.org/ British Oncology Pharmacy Association]
* [http://www.bpsa.co.uk/site/ British Pharmaceutical Students' Association]
* [http://www.bshp.org/ British Society for the History of Pharmacy]
* [http://www.cppe.man.ac.uk/ Centre for Pharmacy Postgraduate Education] (CPPE)
* [http://www.thecca.org.uk/ Company Chemists' Association]
* [http://www.ghp.org.uk/ Guild of Healthcare Pharmacists]
* [http://www.ipmi.org.uk/ Institute of Pharmacy Management International]
* [http://www.nawp.org.uk/ National Association of Woman Pharmacists]
* [http://www.npa.co.uk/ National Pharmacy Association]
* [http://www.psnc.org.uk/ Pharmaceutical Services Negotiating Committee]
* [http://www.the-pda.org/ Pharmacists' Defence Association]
* [http://www.nmhct.nhs.uk/pharmacy/pcclg.htm The Pharmacy Community Care Liaison Group]
* [http://www.pcpa.org.uk/ Primary Care Pharmacists' Association]
*Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain (RPSGB)
* [http://www.ukcpa.org/ United Kingdom Clinical Pharmacy Association]
* [http://www.ukppg.org.uk/ United Kingdom Psychiatric Pharmacy Group]
* [http://www.vpep.net/ Veterinary Pharmacists Group Education]
* [http://www.ypg.info/ Young Pharmacists Group]United States
* [http://www.amcp.org/ Academy of Managed Care Pharmacy]
* [http://www.accp.com/ American College of Clinical Pharmacy] (ACCP)
* [http://www.aphanet.org American Pharmacists Association] (APhA)
*American Society of Consultant Pharmacists (ASCP)
* [http://www.ashp.org American Society of Health-System Pharmacists] (ASHP)
*American Society of Medication Safety Officers (ASMSO)
* [http://www.ncpanet.org/ National Community Pharmacists Association] (NCPA)
* [http://www.nipcweb.com/ National Independent Pharmacy Coalition] (NIPC)
* [http://www.npha.net/ National Pharmaceutical Association] NPhA
* [http://www.ncpharmacists.org North Carolina Association of Pharmacists] (NCAP)
* [http://www.ppag.org Pediatric Pharmacy Advocacy Group] (PPAG)ee also
List of pharmacy schools
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