- Red-fronted Gazelle
trend = down
status_system = iucn2.3
regnum =Animal ia
phylum =Chordata
classis =Mammal ia
ordo =Artiodactyla
familia =Bovidae
subfamilia =Antilopinae
genus = "Eudorcas "
species = "E. rufifrons"
binomial = "Eudorcas rufifrons"
binomial_authority = (Gray,1846 )The Red-fronted gazelle ("Eudorcas rufifrons") is a species of
gazelle that is widely but unevenly distributed across the middleAfrica fromSenegal to north-easternEthiopia . It is mainly resident in theSahel zone, a narrow cross-Africa band south of theSahara , where it prefersarid grassland s, woodedsavanna s and shrubbysteppe s.Some authorities (e.g. Kingdon 1997) consider that
Thomson's gazelle ("E. thomsoni"), ofEast Africa , is asubspecies of Red-fronted gazelle. The red-fronted gazelle was formerly considered a member of the genus "Gazella" within the subgenus "Eudorcas" before "Eudorcas" was elevated to genus status.References
Kingdon, Jonathan (1997) "The Kingdon Field Guide to African Mammals". Academic Press, San Diego and London. Pp. 411–413. (ISBN 0-12-408355-2)
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