Satuq Khan

Satuq Khan

Satuq Khan (d. 1434) was the Khan of Kashgar from 1429 until his death.

Originally a puppet khan of Ulugh Beg, he was stripped of his position and sent to Moghulistan in 1428. Uwais Khan met him in battle but was killed, allowing Satuq Khan to briefly reign supreme. The bulk of the Moghuls, however, rejected his authority and placed themselves under either one of Uwais' Khans sons, Yunus Khan and Esen Buqa II. Satuq Khan for his part was not recognized in most of the country but he did retain control of Kashgar, in which he remained until he was killed by a Dughlat amir. Kashgar, however, remained under Timurid rule for a few more years, as Ulugh Beg executed the amir who killed Satuq Khan and installed several governors in the town.

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