- 2000 in LGBT rights
* Voters in
Maine reject a proposal to reinstate the ban on sexual orientation discrimination in the private sector, with 50.5 per cent against and 49.5 per cent for. [ [http://www.spokenlikeatruesmartass.com/cgi-bin/crzyhouse/YaBB.cgi?board=action;action=print;num=1131212578 Crzy House - Print Page ] ]January
12 January - the ban on lesbians and gay men serving in theUnited Kingdom armed forces is lifted.February
February 14 - CongressmanJerrold Nadler (D-NY) introduces thePermanent Partners Immigration Act (H.R 3650) in theU.S. Congress . [U.S. House. 106th Congress, 2nd Session. H.R. 3650, Permanent Partners Immigration Act of 2000. ONLINE. Thomas. Available: http://thomas.loc.gov/cgi-bin/bdquery/z?d106:HR03650:/ [14 Feb 2000] ]March
March 7 -Same-sex marriage in the United States :California voters approveProposition 22 , a preemptive proposition stating that California will not recognize same-sex marriages, even if the marriages took place in states that permitted them.
*March 15 -Equality Mississippi is formed in response to a hate-crime murder and attempts inMississippi to ban adoption by same-sex couples.April
April 28 toApril 30 -Millennium March on Washington in the United States.June
2 June - PresidentBill Clinton declares June "Gay & Lesbian Pride Month". [cite news |title=Clinton Declares June 2000 Gay & Lesbian Pride Month|http://usgovinfo.about.com/library/weekly/blgaylesproc.htm]
*21 June - TheScottish Parliament repealsSection 28 , the law that banned local authorities from "promoting homosexuality". It is the first part of theUnited Kingdom to do so.July
July 1 -Vermont civil union s law goes into effect, granting most state-levelmarriage rights to registered same-sex couples.* July 1 -
Mississippi became the third state to banadoption by same-sex couples.November
* November -
Montana governorMarc Racicot , a Republican, issues an executive order banning sexual orientation discrimination in the public sector. [http://www.nationalreview.com/comment/comment-connor052203.asp (Warning: this article is heavily biased.)]*
November 9 - TheConnecticut Commission on Human Rights and Opportunities, in the Declaratory Ruling on Behalf of John/Jane Doe, ruled that gender identity discrimination is included in the existing ban on sex discrimination in the private sector. [ [http://www.glad.org/GLAD_Cases/CivilRightsProject.html GLAD Cases: Our Docket ] ]December
* December - The
age of consent in theUnited Kingdom is equalised at 16 in all cases (previously it had been 18 for sex between males and 16 for sex between males and females). The equalisation took place after a long struggle, in which the Labour Party eventually invoked theParliament Act due to repeatedHouse of Lords opposition. See:Sexual Offences (Amendment) Act 2000 .* December -
Iowa governorTom Vilsack , a Democrat, rescinds an executive order he issued in 1999 banning discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity in the public sector. [ [http://www.hrc.org/Template.cfm?Section=Home&CONTENTID=20864&TEMPLATE=/ContentManagement/ContentDisplay.cfm HRC | Page Not Found ] ] Vilsack would later reinstate the order for sexual orientation only.*
December 15 -Delaware governorThomas Carper , a Democrat, issues an executive order banning sexual orientation discriminiation in the public sector. [http://www.dupontbglad.com/Library/Newsletters/n0601.pdf (Adobe Acrobat format)]Births
21 May -Sir John Gielgud , 96, gay actor
*5 August -Sir Alec Guinness , 86, bisexual actorSee also
Timeline of LGBT history .
*Table of years in LGBT rights .
*1925 in LGBT rights -1934 in LGBT rights
*1943 in LGBT rights -1969 in LGBT rights (Stonewall)
*1980 in LGBT rights .External links
* [http://www.advocate.com Web site for Advocate news magazine]
* [http://www.365gay.com 365gay.com]
* [http://news.google.com/news?as_q=&svnum=10&as_scoring=r&hl=en&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&btnG=Google+Search&as_epq=&as_oq=gay+lesbian+bisexual+transgender+homosexual&as_eq=&as_nsrc=&as_nloc=&as_occt=any&as_drrb=q&as_qdr=&as_minm=1&as_mind=20&as_maxm=2&as_maxd=19 Google search for gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender news]
* [http://www.datalounge.com/datalounge/issues/index.html?storyline=275 UK age of consent timeline]
* [http://www.stonewall.org.uk/stonewall/information_bank/armed_forces/index.html Stonewall's page on the armed forces ban being lifted]References
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.