- Sympatric speciation
Sympatric speciation is the genetic divergence of various populations (from a single parent species) inhabiting the same geographic region, such that those populations become different species.
Etymological ly, sympatry is derived from the roots sym- (meaning same, alike, similar, or fellow) and -patry (meaning homeland or fatherland).Sympatry is one of four theoretical models for the phenomenon of
speciation . In contrast to allopatry, populations undergoing sympatric speciation are not geographically isolated by, for example, a mountain or a river.Debated almost since the beginning of popular evolutionary thought, sympatric speciation is still a highly contentious issue. By 1980 the theory was largely unfavourable given the void of empirical evidence available, and more critically the conditions scientists expect to be required.
Ernst Mayr , one of the foremost thinkers on evolution, completely rejected sympatry outright, ushering in a climate of hostility towards the theory. Since the 1980s, a more progressive ideology has been adopted. While still debatable, well documented empirical evidence now exists, and the development of sophisticated theories incorporating multilocus genetics have followed.At least one recent study, though, provides evidence that sympatric speciation has occurred in Tennessee cave salamanders. [cite journal|title= Recent divergence with gene flow in Tennessee cave salamanders (Plethodontidae: Gyrinophilus) inferred from gene genealogies |author= MATTHEW L. NIEMILLER, BENJAMIN M. FITZPATRICK, BRIAN T. MILLER |journal= Molecular Ecology |volume=17 (9)|year=2008|pages=2258–2275 [http://www.blackwell-synergy.com/doi/abs/10.1111/j.1365-294X.2008.03750.x available online] ]
A number of models have been proposed to account for this mode of speciation. The most popular, which invokes the
disruptive selection model, was first put forward byJohn Maynard Smith in 1962. Maynard Smith suggested that homozygous individuals may, under particular environmental conditions, have a greater fitness than those withallele s heterozygous for a certain trait. Under the mechanism ofnatural selection , therefore, homozygosity would be favoured over heterozygosity, eventually leading to speciation. Sympatric divergence could also result from thesexual conflict [Thierry Lodé "La guerre des sexes chez les animaux" Eds O Jacob, Paris, 2006] .Disruption may also occur in multiple-gene traits. The Medium Ground Finch ("Geospiza fortis") is showing gene pool divergence in a population on Santa Cruz Island. Beak morphology conforms to two different size ideals, while intermediate individuals are selected against. Some characteristics (termed
magic trait s) such as beak morphology may drive speciation because they also affect mating signals. In this case, different beakphenotype s may result in differentbird call s, providing a barrier to exchange between the gene pools. [*Harvard reference
Surname1= Huber
Given1= S.K.
Surname2= De León
Given2= L.F.
Surname3= Hendry
Given3= A.P.
Year= 2007
Title= Reproductive isolation of sympatric morphs in a population ofDarwin's finches
Journal= Proc. Biol. Sci.
ID = PMID 17504742]"Rhagoletis pomonella", the
apple maggot , may be currently undergoing sympatric or, more precisely, heteropatric (seeheteropatry ) speciation. The apple feeding race of this species appears to have spontaneously emerged from the hawthorn feeding race in the 1800 - 1850 AD time frame, after apples were first introduced intoNorth America . The apple feeding race does not now normally feed on hawthorns, and the hawthorn feeding race does not now normally feed on apples. This may be an early step towards the emergence of a new species. [ [http://www.nature.com/nature/journal/v336/n6194/abs/336064a0.html McPheron et al. 1988. "Nature" 336:64-66] ] [ [http://www.nature.com/nature/journal/v336/n6194/abs/336066a0.html Smith, D.C. 1988. "Nature" 336:66-67] ] [ [http://www.nature.com/nature/journal/v336/n6194/abs/336061a0.html Feder et al. 1988. "Nature" 336:61-64] ] [Sympatric speciation in Nicaraguan crater lake cichlid fish. By: Barluenga, Marta; Stölting, Kai N.; Salzburger, Walter; Muschick, Moritz; Meyer, Axel. Nature, 2/9/2006, Vol. 439 Issue 7077, p719-723.]Allochrony offers some empirical evidence that sympatric speciation has taken place, as many examples exist of recently diverged (sister taxa) allochronic species.Sympatric
speciation events are vastly more common in plants, as they are prone to developing multiplehomologous sets ofchromosomes , resulting in a condition calledpolyploidy . The polyploidal offspring occupy the same environment as the parent plants (hence sympatry), but are reproductively isolated.A rare example of sympatric speciation in animals is the divergence of "resident" and "transient"
Orca forms in the northeast Pacific [ [http://web.mac.com/erich.hoyt/iWeb/www.erichhoyt.com/More%20Info_files/SC56SM15.pdf Burden et al.: Resident And Transient-Type Killer Wales SC/56/SM15.] ] . Resident and transient orcas inhabit the same waters, but avoid each other and do not interbreed. The two forms hunt different prey species and have different diets, vocal behaviour, and social structures. Some divergences between species could also result from contrasts in microhabitats. Thepolecat "Mustela putorius" exhibited a rare dark phenotype similar to the Europeanmink "Mustela lutreola" phenotype which is directely influenced by peculiarities of forest brooks [Thierry Lodé "Genetic divergence without spatial isolation in polecat Mustelaputorius populations". J Evol Biol 14:228-236, 2001] .ee also
Adaptive radiation
*Hybrid speciation
*Wallace effect References
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