Val di Sole

Val di Sole

The Val di Sole or Valle di Sole is a valley in the Italian Province of Trento.

Val di Sole applies to the Val Vermiglio, the east-west aligned valley of the river Noce and its sidevalleys, among which the Val di Peio that heads to the Ortler. The rest of the valley from Ossana to Mostizzolo is simpy called Val di Sole.

Some of the towns in the valley are Vermiglio, Peio, Dimaro, Croviana and Malè (the main town).

The Val Vermiglio heads to the Tonale Pass, on the other side of the pass (and in the same direction as the Val Vermiglio) begins the valley of the river Oglio which flows to Edolo. In the northwest the region is bordered by the Ortlergroup with the national park "Parco Nazionale dello Stelvio", in the southwest by the Adamellogroup with the nature reserve "Parco Naturale Adamello Brenta". In the southern part of the region is the ski resort Madonna di Campiglio, just over the Campo Carlo Magno, a pass that leads to the Val Rendena.

In the east the region ends at Mostizzolo, where the main valley bends south to Val di Non before joining the valley of the Adige north of Trento.

External links

* [ Tourist board of the Val di Sole (mostly in Italian)]

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