- 40-bit encryption
40-bit encryption refers to a
key size of forty bits, or fivebyte s, forsymmetric encryption ; this represents a relatively low level of security. A forty bit length corresponds to a total of 2^{40} possible keys. Although this is a large number in human terms (about a trillion, nearly two hundred times the world's human population), it is possible to break this degree of encryption using a moderate amount of computing power in abrute force attack — that is, trying out each possible key in turn.On a typical home computer, a 40-bit key can be broken in a little under two weeks, testing a million keys per second. Using free time on a large corporate network or a set of
zombie computers would reduce the time in proportion to the number of computers available. With dedicated (and rather expensive) hardware, a 40-bit key can be broken in seconds. TheElectronic Frontier Foundation 'sDeep Crack , built by a group of enthusiasts for US$250,000 in1998 could break a 56-bitData Encryption Standard (DES) key in days, and would be able to break 40-bit DES encryption in about four seconds.40-bit encryption was common in
software released before 1996, when algorithms with larger key lengths could not legally be exported from theUnited States without a case-by-case license. As a result, the "international" versions ofweb browser s were designed to have an effective key size of 40 bits when usingSecure Sockets Layer to protecte-commerce . Similar limitations were imposed on other software packages, including early versions ofWired Equivalent Privacy . In 1992,IBM designed theCDMF algorithm to reduce the strength of DES against brute force attack to 40 bits, in order to create exportable DES implementations.Obsolescence
All 40-bit encryption algorithms are
obsolete because they are dangerously vulnerable tobrute force attack s, and therefore cannot be regarded as secure. As a result, virtually all web browsers now use 128-bit keys, which are considered strong. Someweb server s will not communicate with a client unless it has a 128-bit encryption capability installed on it.It should also be noted that public/private key pairs used in
asymmetric encryption must be much longer than 128 bits for security; seekey size for more details.As a general rule, modern encryption algorithms such as AES use key lengths of 128, 192 and 256 bits.
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.