James McAuley

James McAuley

James Phillip McAuley (12 October 191715 October 1976) was an Australian academic, poet, journalist, literary critic and a prominent convert to Roman Catholicism.

McAuley was born in Lakemba, a suburb of Sydney. He was educated at Fort Street High School and then attended Sydney University where he majored in English, Latin and philosophy. In 1937 he edited "Hermes", the annual literary journal of the University of Sydney Union, in which, many of his early poems were published until 1941.

He began his life as an Anglican and was sometime organist and choirmaster at Holy Trinity Church, Dulwich Hill in Sydney. McAuley lost his Christian faith as a younger man.

In 1943 McAuley was commissioned as a lieutenant in the militia for the Australian Army, and served in Melbourne (DORCA) and Canberra. After the war he also spent time in New Guinea, which he regraded as his second "spiritual home".

McAuley came to prominence in the wake of the 1945 Ern Malley hoax. With fellow poet, Harold Stewart, McAuley concocted sixteen nonsense poems in a pseudo-experimental modernist style. These were then sent to the young editor of the literary magazine "Angry Penguins", Max Harris. The poems were raced to publication by Harris and Australia's most celebrated literary hoax was set in motion.

In 1952 he converted to Roman Catholicism, the faith his own father had abandoned. This was in the parish of St Charles at Ryde. He was later introduced to Australian musician Richard Connolly by a priest, Ted Kennedy, at the Holy Spirit parish at North Ryde [cf. Australasian Catholic Record October 1995] and the two subsequently collaborated to produce between them the most significant collection of Australian Catholic hymnody to date, titled "Hymns for the Year of Grace". Connolly was McAuley's sponsor for his confirmation into the Roman Catholic Church. In his undergraduate years McAuley was influenced by both communism and anarchism, but although a man of the Left, McAuley remained staunchly anti-communist throughout his later life. In 1956 he and Richard Krygier founded the literary and cultural journal, "Quadrant" and was chief editor until 1963. From 1961 he was professor of English at the University of Tasmania.

A portrait of McAuley by J Carrington Smith won the 1963 Archibald prize.

James McAuley died of cancer in 1976, at the age of 59, in Hobart.


* "Under Aldebbaran" (1946) Melbourne: Melbourne University Press.
* "A Vision of Ceremony" (1956) Sydney: Angus & Robertson.
* "The Six Days of Creation" (1963) An Australian Letters Publication.
* "James McAuley" (1963) 'Australian Poets Series' Sydney: Angus & Robertson.
* "Captain Quiros" (1964) Sydney: Angus & Robertson.
* "Surprises of the Sun" (1969) Sydney: Angus & Robertson.
* "Collected Poems 1936-1970" (1971) Sydney : Angus & Robertson.
* "A Map of Australian Verse" (1975) Melbourne: Oxford University Press.
* "Music Late at Night" (1976) London ; Sydney : Angus & Robertson.
* "Time Given:poems 1970-1976" (1976) Canberra : Brindabella Press.
* "A World of its own" (1977) Canberra : Australian National University Press.

* "The End of Modernity: Essays on Literature, Art and Culture" (1959) Syndey: Angus & Robertson.
* "A Primer of English Versification" (1966) Sydney: Sydney University Press.
* "C.J. Brennan" (1963) Melbourne: Oxford University Press.
* "Edmund Spenser and George Eliot: A Critical Excursion" (1963) University of Tasmania.
* "Hobart" (1964) Sydney: Current Affairs Bulletin.
* "Versification: A Short Introduction" (1966) Michigan State University Press.
* "The Personal Element in Australian Poetry" (1970) Foundation for Australian Literary Studies, Townsville. Sydney: Angus & Robertson.
* "The Grammar of the Real: Selected Prose 1959-1974" (1975) Melbourne: Oxford University Press.
* "The rhetoric of Australian poetry" (1978) Surrey Hills: Wentworth Press.

Editions and Selections
* "Australian Poetry 1955" (1955) Sydney: Angus & Robertson.
* "Generations: poetry from Chaucer to the present day" (1969) Melbourne: Thomas Nelson.

* "Hymns for the Year of Grace" (n.d.) Sydney: Living Parish Series.
* "We Offer Mass" (n.d.) Sydney: Living Parish Series.

* "Song of Songs" (1966) Darton: Longman & Todd.



* Peter Coleman, "The Heart of James McAuley", 2nd edition, Connor Court, Ballan, Victoria, 2006
* Vivian Smith, "James McAuley", Melbourne, Oxford University Press, 1970


*cite web
last = Coleman
first = Peter
authorlink = Peter Coleman
title = James McAuley: A Poet in Politics
work =
publisher = The Rathouse
date =
url = http://www.the-rathouse.com/PC_PoetinPolitics.html
accessdate = 2006-12-24

*cite web
last =Ritchie
first =John
authorlink =
coauthors =Diane Langmore (eds)
title = McAuley, James Phillip (1917 - 1976)
work= Australian Dictionary of Biography
volume =
pages =
publisher = Research School of Social Sciences, Australian National University
accessdate = 2006-12-24

*cite web
last =Cook
first =Michael
date= Oct 15 2006
title = Remembering a poet of commitment
publisher = MercatorNet
accessdate = 2006-12-24

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