1857 in Canada

1857 in Canada

"See also:"
1856 in Canada, other events of 1857, 1858 in Canada and the Timeline of Canadian history.



* March 12 - The bridge over Desjardins Canal, near Hamilton, Canada West, collapses under a Great Western Railway passenger train. About 60 people die.
* December 31 - Ottawa is chosen as the new capital of the Canadas
* Grand Trunk Railway (Windsor-Montreal) completed, but $7 million in debt.
* Queen Victoria names Ottawa as capital of the Province of Canada.
* The Palliser Expedition begins its exploration of Western Canada.
* Coal mining begins at Coal Harbor on the Kenai Peninsula.


* February 2 - Alexander C. Rutherford, Premier of Alberta
* February 16 - Charles Clarke, psychologist
* February 25 - Robert Bond, Premier of Newfoundland
* February 26 - Adelaide Hoodless, feminist
* March 17 - Willis Keith Baldwin, politician
* June 20 - Adam Beck, politician
* July 20 - Lionel Herbert Clarke, Lieutenant Governor of Ontario
* July 22 - Louis Taylor, Mayor of Vancouver
* July 27 - Ann Stowe-Gullen, doctor
* August 15 - Theodore Arthur Burrows, Manitoba politician
* August 15 - John Strathearn Hendrie, politician
* September 12 - George Halsey Perley, politician
* October 10 - George J. Clark, Premier of New Brunswick
* November 25 - Frederick W. A. G. Haultain, Premier of the Northwest Territories


* February 10 - David Thompson dies in Montreal.
* Isabella Clark - wife of Sir John A. Macdonald.

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