Lakshmi Stuti By Indra

Lakshmi Stuti By Indra

Lakshmi Stuti is a well known prayer for the Goddess of Wealth and Good fortune - Lakshmi. It is one of the many prayers found in ancient sciptures from Sanatana Dharma.


This introduction provides the background information for this Prayer.

The following story has been narrated in Sri Vishnu Purana.

Once, Sri Durvasa Muni (Lord Shiva's incarnation) gave Indra a flower necklace. Indra put it on his elephant, who threw it down. Angry, Durvasa cursed Indra that he would lose his kingdom.

Soon enough, the world became Sri-less, and Indra and Gods lost. They all came to Brahma, who also accompanied them to the Ksheer sagar. There, they all prayed to Lord Vishnu. Lord Vishnu appeared and advised them to do Sagar Manthan with the help of demons.

Sagar Manthan was performed with the help of Sri Vishnu himself. Vishnu empowered the Gods and Demons, as well as the great Snake Vasuki, and also held the great mountain used to churn the ocean.

From Sagar Manthan came many great wonders. Lakshmi appeared, and after being worshipped by the ocean personified, and all the sacred rivers and Gods, took place in the heart of Lord Vishnu (Vaksha Sthal - chest).

Then Amrit appeared, and Lord Keshav tricked the demons and Gods drank Amrit. Gods then defeated Demons.

Thereafter, Indra worshipped Lakshmi with this stuti. Thereafter, Lakshmi appeared and granted a wish to Indra. Indra asked that Lakshmi Ma never give up this world ever again (because when Lakshmi Ma gives up her sight from this world, this world loses all virtues and becomes Sattva Heen. All Tap is lost and Yajyas are lost too). Secondly, he asked that whoever worships Lakshmi with this Stuti (the one that Indra worshipped Lakshmi with), Lakshmi Ma never leave that person ever.

Lakshmi granted these wishes.

Here is Indra's stuti:

Lakshmi Stuti

:Indra said: [ Sanskrit]

:Namaste Sarva-Lokanam-Jananeem Ambaj-Sambhavam:Sriyam -Unindra-Padma-Akshim Vishnu-Vaksha-Sthala-Sthitam

:Padma-Aalyam Padma-Karim Padma-Patra-Nibhekhnaam:Vande Padma-Mukheem Deveem Padma-Nabha-Priyaam Aham

:Tvam Siddhis Tvam Svadha Svaha Sudha Tvam Lok-Pavani:Sandhya Ratri Prabha Bhootir Medha Sraddha Sarasvati

:Yagya-Vidya Maha-Vidya Guhya-Vidhya Cha Shobhane:Aatma-Vidya Cha Devi Tvam Vimukti-Phal-Dayani

:Aanveekhikee Trayee Vaarta Danda-Neeti TvamEva Cha:Saumya-Asaumyar Jagad-Roopais TvaEtad Devi Pooritam

:Ka Tv Anya Tvam Rte Devi Sarva-Yajya-Mayam Vapuhu:Adhyaaste Dev-Devasya Yogi Chintyam Gada-bhrit

:Tvaya Devi Parityaktam Sakalam Bhuvan-Tryam:Vinishta Prayam ABhavat Tvedaaneem Samedhitam

:Dara Purtaas Tatha gaar Suhrid Dhanya Dhan Aadikam:Bhavatyetan Maha-Bhage Nityam Tvad-Veekshnaan-Nrinaam

:Shareer-Arogyam Aishvaryam Ari-Paksha-Kshaya Sukham:Devi Tvad-Drishti-Drishtaanam Purushaanaam Na Durlabham

:Tvam Mata Sarva-Lokanam Deva-Devo-Hari Pitah:TvaEtad Vishnuna Cha Amb Jagad Vyaptam Chara-Acharam

:Ma Nah Kosham Tatha Goshtam Ma Graham Ma Parichedam:Ma Shareeram Kalatram Cha Tyajethah Sarva-Pavani

:Ma Puran ma Suhrid-Varga Ma Pashun ma Vibhushanam:Tyajetha Mam Devasya Vishnor-Vaksha-Sthala-Aalye

:Sattven Satya Shauchaabhyam Tatha Sheela Aadibhir Gunaih:Tyajyante Te Narah Sadhyah Santyaktaa Ye Tvaya Amale

:Tvaya Vilokita Sadhya Sheela Aadyair Akhilair Gunai:Kula Aishvaryash cha Yujante Purusha Nirguna Api

:Sa Shlaaghya Sa Guni Dhanyah Sa Kuleenah Sa Buddhiman:Sa Shurah Sa cha Vikranto Yas Tvaya Devi Vikshitah

:Sadhyo Vaigunyam ayanti Sheeladyaah Saklaa Gunaah:ParanMukhee Jagad-Dhatree Yasya Tvam Vishnu-Vallabhe

:Na Te Varnyitum Shakta Gunaan Jihvaa Api Vedhsah:Praseed Devi Padma-Akshi Ma Asmaans Tyaaksheeh Kadaachan

Meaning in English

I bow to you, O Mother of All Worlds, O Lotus Born, the one with eyes like lotus petals, sitting on the chest of Vishnu.

Sitting on a lotus, lotus-like hands, and eyes like lotus petals, Praised be you, O Lotus faced Devi.

You are Siddhi, Svadha, Svaha, Sudha. You are the purifier of this world. You are the evening, the night, the light. You are Glory, intelligence, devotion. You are Sarasvati.

You are Yagya Vidya (the knowdlege of Yajya), you are the great knowdlege, the secret knowledge, O Auspicious. You are the science of the self, O Devi, and you are the giver of the fruit of Mukti (freedom).

Logic, the knowledge of all Vedas, worldly knowdlege, and Raja Neeti are all you. You are fully filled and are present every where in this world with your peaceful and fierce forms.

O Devi, who other than you could reside in the heart of the him who is the real form of all Yajyas, who is contemplated by all Gods, and Yogis, and who bears a mace.

O Devi. When you give up these entire 3 worlds, this entire creation goes to destruction, and you yourself have again given life to it.

By your grace only, a person gets a wife, son, house, wealth, prosperity and friends.

Those on whom you you bestow your kindness, good health, prosperity, destruction of enemies, and happiness are not hard to attain.

You are the mother of these entire worlds, and the God of Gods, Sri Hari are the father. You and Vishnu, O Mother are present every where in this moving and unmoving creation.

Please never leave our wealth, animal-houses, home, enjoyables, body, wife etc. O Vishnu-Vaksha-Stal-Vaasini, never leave our sons, friends, animals and jewels.

O Pure, when you leave a person, his purity, truthfulness, cleanliness and good behaviour etc. goodness also leave him in no time.

And by your kind grace, even virtueless people very soon become full of virtues and goodness, prosperity etc.

The one of whom you bestow your kind look, is admirable, is virtuous, is fortunate, is full of goodness, is intelligent, and he is brave and oppulent.

O Dear to Vishnu, O mother of this world, the one who is left by you, all his virtues become vices immediately.

O Devi, even Sri Brahma Ji is not capable of praising your greatness. Thus, please be satisfied with us and don't leave us ever.


The text of Vishnu Purana describes that after receiting this prayer, the following events took place.

Sri Parashar said:

Thus praised by Indra, the omni present Lakshmi Ji said this to Indra, in the presence of all Gods.

Sri (Lakshmi) said:

I am satisfied by this prayer of yours, O Kind of Gods. I have come here to bestoy you your wish, ask for a wish.

Indra said:

O Devi, if you want to give me a wish, and if I am qualified enough for your wish, then O Devi, please never give up these 3-worlds. Also, please grant me another wish: Who ever praises your with this stotra (Prayer that I just prayed), never leave him, O one of who appeared from the ocean.

Sri said:

O Vasav (Indra), I shall not leave this world (TriLoki = 3 worlds). Being satisfied your worshipping we through this Stotra (prayer), I give you this wish: Which ever human being, in evening or morning, praises me with this Stotra, I shall never leave him in future.

Sri Parashar said:

This, in former time, satisfied with this Stotra's worship, Mahabhaga Sri (Sri Lakshmi Ji) gave these boons to the king of Gods.

Thus I have told you the story of appearance of Lakshmi.

When ever, the ruler of this world, God of Gods, Sri Janardhan, appear as an Avatar, Sri also appears then.

When Sri Hari appeared as Aditya, Lakshmi Ji appeared as Padma.

When Sri Hari appeared as ParshuRama, Lakshmi appeared as Prithvi. When Sri Hari appeared as Raam (Raaghav), Lakshmi become Sita, and when Sri Hari took birth as Krishna, Lakshmi manifested as Rukmani.

In other Avatars too, Lakshmi is never different from Sri Vishnu.

On taking a divine form, she takes a divine form. And on taking a human form, she takes a human form. She takes her form according to the form of Sri Vishnu.

Whoever listens or reads the story of the birth of Sri Lakshmi, in his home, Sri never disappears.

In homes in which is read this stuti of Sri Lakshmi (Indra's Stuti), in that home, the root of all suffering, poverty never remains.

This I have told, the giver of all prosperity, glory and richness, this Stuti of Sri Lakshmi, that appeared from the mouth of Indra.

Those who read it every day, Lakshmi (absence of Lakshmi) never leaves their homes.

See also

* Lakshmi
* Vishnu Purana
* Sanatana Dharma
* Hinduism
* Hindu gods

External links

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