Inter Mirifica

Inter Mirifica

"Inter Mirifica" is the Second Vatican Council's Decree on the Media of Social Communications. It was approved by a vote of 1,960 to 164 of the bishops assembled, and promulgated on December 4, 1963 by Pope Paul VI. The title, taken from the first line of the document (as is customary with significant Catholic documents), is Latin for "Among the Wonderful".

The term Social Communication or Social Communications, apart from its more general use, has become the preferred term within documents of the Catholic Church for reference to media or mass media. It has the advantage, as a term, of wider connotation - all communication is social but not all communication is "mass". In effect, though, the two terms are used synonymously.


"The numbers given correspond to the section numbers within the text."

# Introduction (1-2)
# On the Teaching of the Church (3-12)
# On the Pastoral Activity of the Church (13-22)
# Appendices (23-24)

World Social Communication Day

World Social Communication Day was created by the Second Vatican Council to provide an annual message for the church to its people and the rest of the world. Pope John Paul II vigorously promoted responsibility and positive goals in Social Communication not only in person but through messages given on this religious festival and through supporting the Pontifical Council for Social Communication.

External references

[ Vatican II Decree of "Inter Mirifica"] .

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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