radial tuberosity — n an oval eminence on the medial side of the radius distal to the neck where the tendon of the biceps brachii muscle inserts * * * tuberositas radii … Medical dictionary
Radial sulcus — Bone: Radial sulcus Left humerus. Posterior view. (Label, visible at center, is Groove for radial nerve ) Latin sulcus nervi radialis Gray s … Wikipedia
tuberosity — A large tubercle or rounded elevation, especially from the surface of a bone. SYN: tuberositas [TA]. bicipital t. SYN: radial t.. calcaneal t. [TA] the posterior extremity of the calcaneus, or os calcis, forming the … Medical dictionary
Deltoid tuberosity — Bone: Deltoid tuberosity Left humerus. Anterior view. (Deltoideus labeled at center right.) Latin tuberositas deltoidea humeri Gray s … Wikipedia
Costal tuberosity of clavicle — Bone: Costal tuberosity of clavicle Left clavicle. Inferior surface. (Costal tuberosity labeled at center left.) Latin impressio ligamenti costoclavicularis, tuberositas costalis claviculae … Wikipedia
List of muscles of the human body — Skeletal muscles homo sapiens Muscles of the human body: Overview Head | Neck | … Wikipedia
Кости верхней конечности — … Атлас анатомии человека
Coracoid process — Bone: coracoid process Left scapula. Lateral view. (Coracoid process labeled at upper left.) … Wikipedia
border — The part of a surface that forms its outer boundary. SEE ALSO: edge, margin, b.. SYN: margo [TA]. alveolar b. 1. the most occlusal edge of the alveolar bone; 2. SYN: alveolar process of … Medical dictionary
tuberositas — SYN: tuberosity. [LL., fr. L., tuberosus, full of lumps, fr. tuber, a knob] t. coracoidea SYN: tuberosity for coracoclavicular ligament. t. costalis SYN: impression for costoclavicular ligament. t. deltoidea (humeri) [TA] SYN: deltoid tuberosity… … Medical dictionary