Radial tuberosity

Radial tuberosity

Infobox Bone
Name = Radial tuberosity
Latin = t. radii
GraySubject = 53
GrayPage = 219

Caption = Left elbow-joint, showing anterior and ulnar collateral ligaments. (Radial tuberosity visible at center right.)

Caption2 = Bones of left forearm. Anterior aspect. (Radius is bone on right. Radial tuberosity is visible at upper left of radius.)
System =
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DorlandsPre = t_21
DorlandsSuf = 12829250
Beneath the neck of the radius, on the medial side, is an eminence, the radial tuberosity; its surface is divided into:
* a "posterior, rough portion", for the insertion of the tendon of the biceps brachii.
* an "anterior, smooth portion", on which a bursa is interposed between the tendon and the bone.


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* (NormanAnatomyFig|xrayelbow)

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