- List of buildings at The Catholic University of America
The following is a list of buildings at
The Catholic University of America . As with most college campuses, classes of many different fields are taught in most of the buildings; the list of buildings below is not meant to be exhaustive, but is the primary building for those courses.outh Campus Buildings
* Conaty Hall - housing for undergraduates, almost all freshmen
* Gibbons Hall - housing for undergraduates; history department on lower level
*Maloney Hall - chemistry and sciences classrooms
* Pangborn Hall - engineering and sciences classrooms
* Saint Bonaventure Hall - Demolished December 2007
* Spaulding Hall - permanently abandoned
* Spellman Hall - housing for undergraduates, almost all freshmen.
* Theological College - University SeminaryCentral Campus Buildings
* Caldwell Hall - housing for graduates and undergraduates; Campus Ministry; theology, religion and canon law classrooms; School of Canon Law; School of Theology & Religious Studies
** Elizabeth Ann Seton Wing - mixed housing for undergraduate and graduate women
** The House - housing for Campus Ministry Student Ministers
* Cardinal Hall (formerly University Center West & East) is to reopen as new admissions, Housing Services and alumni offices. Originally was built by theKnights of Columbus and known as Graduate Hall to house the Knights of Columbus fellows.
* Centennial Village - housing for undergraduates, mostly sophomores
** Camalier House
** Engelhard House
** Magner House
** McDonald House (Upperclassmen Residential College)
** Quinn House
** Reardon House
** Unanue House (Freshmen Residential College)
** Walton House
*Columbus School of Law
* Edward M. Crough Center for Architectural Studies - architecture classrooms; School of Architecture & Planning
* Gowan Hall - nursing classrooms and the School of Nursing
* Grounds Maintenance Complex
* Hannan Hall - physics classrooms; contains Herzfeld Auditorium
* Gilbert V. Hartke Theatre - includes Callan Theatre and the Lab Theatre
* Eugene I. Kane Student Health & Fitness Center - infirmary and student gym
* Keane Hall is undergoing renovations thanks to an $8 Million gift from the Knights of Columbus and will be renamed McGivney Hall after Fr. Michael J. McGivney, the Knights' founder. The gift was announced at the 2006American Cardinals Dinner . It will serve as as the new home for the North American campus of the Pontifical John Paul II Institute for Studies on Marriage and Family.
* Leahy Hall - public safety/campus police, computer lab
* McCort-Ward Hall - biology and science classrooms
* McMahon Hall - modern languages, Greek & Latin, philosophy, mathematics classrooms; admissions office, post office, registrar, financial aid office; School of Arts & Sciences; School of Philosophy
* John K. Mullen of Denver Memorial Library - main library (subject-specific branch libraries in Gowan, Hannan, Pangborn, and Ward Halls)
* Nursing-Biology Building - science classrooms
* Edward J. Pryzbyla University Center - Dean of Students, student organizations, dining services, disability support services, international students office
* Shahan Hall - social work classrooms; School of Social Services
* Visitors Information Center - demolished Spring 2008
* Ward Hall - music classrooms; School of MusicNorth Campus Buildings
* Aquinas Hall (formerly Life Cycle Institute) - School of Philosophy
* Curley Court - modular housing for juniors and seniors
* Curley Hall - priests' residence
* Raymond A. DuFour Athletic Center - with pool, gym, playing fields, and fitness center
*Flather Hall - housing for undergraduates, almost all Freshmen
* Marist Hall - classrooms; School of Library & Information Science
* Millennium North Hall - apartments/suites for juniors, seniors, few graduates
* Millennium South Hall - apartments/suites for juniors, seniors, few graduates
* Nugent Hall - office and residence of the President
* O'Boyle Hall - counseling center, academic tutoring services, writing center
* Opus Hall - 7-story residence hall under construction, part of a three phase expansion of campus housing that includes the construction of two other dorms
* Regan Hall - University Honors housing
* Ryan Hall - housing undergraduates
* Salve Regina Hall - art studios
* University Chapel of St. Vincent de Paul - chapel for Catholic Masses and periodic music recitals
* "Unnamed Dorm One" - Second phase of a housing expansion for the university; set to be finished in 2012
* "Unnamed Dorm Two" - Third phase of a housing expansion for the university; set to be finished in 2012
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