Wilhelm von Bezold

Wilhelm von Bezold

Johann Friedrich Wilhelm von Bezold (June 21 1837 – February 17 1907) was a German physicist and meteorologist born in Munich, Kingdom of Bavaria.

Bezold studied mathematics and physics at the University of Munich and the University of Göttingen. He taught meteorology in Munich from 1861, becoming a professor in 1866. In 1868 he began teaching at the Technical University of Munich. In 1875 he was named a member of the Bavarian Academy of Sciences.

From 1885 to 1907 director of the Prussian Institute of Meteorology at the University of Berlin. His main interest as a scientist was the physics of the atmosphere and he contributed much to the theory of electrical storms.

Bezold was one of the early researchers of atmospheric thermodynamics. He considered pseudo-adiabatic processes describing air as it is lifted, expands, cools, and eventually condenses and precipitates its water vapor.


*W. von Bezold, Zur Thermodynamik der Atmosphäre. Pts. I, II. Sitz. K. Preuss. Akad. Wissensch. Berlin, pp. 485-522, 1189-1206; Gesammelte Abhandlugen, pp. 91-144. English translation by Abbe, C. The mechanics of the earth's atmosphere. Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections, no 843, 1893, 212-242.

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