lesser tubercle — n a prominence on the upper anterior part of the end of the humerus that serves as the insertion for the subscapularis compare GREATER TUBERCLE … Medical dictionary
lesser tubercle of humerus — tuberculum minus humeri … Medical dictionary
Tubercle (anatomy) — In anatomy, a tubercle is a round nodule, small eminence, or warty outgrowth found on bones, skin, or within the lungs in tuberculosis.TypesWithin the human body there are numerous sites where tubercles develop. On bones they are generally the… … Wikipedia
crest of lesser tubercle — crista tuberculi minoris … Medical dictionary
Tubercle — A small tuber, a small lump or bump. * * * 1. A nodule, especially in an anatomic, not pathologic, sense. 2. A circumscribed, rounded, solid elevation on the skin, mucous membrane, or surface of an organ. 3. A slight … Medical dictionary
Greater tubercle — Infobox Bone Name = Greater tubercle Latin = tuberculum majus humeri GraySubject = 51 GrayPage = 209 Caption = Left humerus. Anterior view. (Greater tubercle visible at right.) Caption2 = System = Precursor = MeshName = MeshNumber = DorlandsPre … Wikipedia
greater tubercle — n a prominence on the upper lateral part of the end of the humerus that serves as the insertion for the supraspinatus, infraspinatus, and teres minor compare LESSER TUBERCLE … Medical dictionary
Medial intercondylar tubercle — Upper surface of right tibia. (Lateral intercondylar tubercle not labeled, but region is visible.) Latin tuberculum intercondylare mediale Gray s … Wikipedia
Conoid tubercle — Bone: Conoid tubercle Left clavicle. Inferior surface. (Ligament for conoid ligament labeled at bottom center.) Latin tuberculum conoideum Gray s … Wikipedia
Outline of human anatomy — See also: Index of anatomy related articles Human anatomy, a branch of anatomy, is the scientific study of the morphology of the adult human. It is subdivided into gross anatomy and microscopic anatomy. Gross anatomy (also called topographical… … Wikipedia