- Immaculate Conception School (Bronx)
Immaculate Conception School is a school located in the Bronx founded in
1854 . The school is located at 378 East 151st Street Bronx , NY 10455-2603. The schools current principal is Sr. Patrice Owens, S.C.C.Immaculate Conception School is a parish school serving the Church in its mission of developing and educating the youth of the parish and the community of the South Bronx. The Sisters of Christian Charity and the Redemptorist Fathers, in collaboration with other religious communities and the lay staff, operate Immaculate Conception School, which exists for the purpose of the Catholic formation and academic development of the children who attend it. The school sets the stage for a life centered in Jesus Christ by providing a faith atmosphere and a formation program which is meant to assist the parents in their role as primary educators of their children. Every effort is made to meet the needs of each student since we are committed to the development of the whole child.ICS sets the stage for a life centered in Jesus Christ through prayer, liturgy and training in self-discipline integrated within a wholesome learning environment. Every effort is made to develop the capabilities of each student academically, physically, psychologically and spiritually. ICS aims to assist and complement parents in their role as primary educators of their children. Together we strive to improve our community in the face of violence, drug abuse and family suffering.
We have a proud past and a promising future as we seek to serve a culturally diverse population of God’s children in the South Bronx.
2008-2009 PROFILE
Name of School: Immaculate Conception School
Year founded: 1854
Address: 378 East 151st Street Bronx , NY 10455-2603
Contact: Phone: (718) 585-4843 Fax: (718) 585-6846
Website: www.ics.org
Principal: Sr. Patrice Owens, S.C.C.
Vice-Principal: Mrs. Eileen Pagan
Pastor: Fr. Ronald Bonneau, C.Ss.R.
Faculty: 4 Religious Office Staff: 2 Religious
19 Lay 5 Lay
Accreditation: The Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools
Special Resources: Extra Curricular Activities:
Art Classes (PK-8) After school day care (PK-6)
Band Instruction (4-8) Praise Dance (6-8)
Chapter 1 Services Basketball (5-8, girls &boys)
Computer Center (1-8) Step Team (6-8)
Computers (with Internet) in classrooms (PK-8) Chess Club (3-8)
Counseling, Guidance & Social Work Services Drama Club (3-4)
ESL Classes Field Day (PK-8)
Federal Free Lunch & Breakfast Program Garden Club (4-6)
Library Media Center (PK-8) Holiday Shows (PK-8)
Learning For Life (1-6) Math Enrichment (4)
LEAP (7-8) Reading Enrichment (3-4)
Music Classes (PK-8) Tutoring After school (5-8)
READ Program (K-2) Yearbook Committee (8)
Writing to Read Program (K-1) Technology Club (6-8)
Learning to Look Program (2-5) Book Club (3-4)
Summer School (Pre-K-7) Christian Service (4-6)
Reading Resource Room (1-5)
Physical Education (PK-8) Science Fair (5-8)
Current Enrollment: 565 Average Class Size: 30
Testing Required: 1st Saturday in March Registration: 3rd Saturday in MarchContact: Main Office Grade Levels: Pre-K through 8th
"The Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools"
External links
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.