Schwarze Pumpe power station
- Schwarze Pumpe power station
station_name=Schwarze Pumpe power station
location=Schwarze Pumpe district in Spremberg, Germany
status=In operation
max_capacity=1600 MW
Schwarze Pumpe power station (' _de. "Kraftwerk Schwarze Pumpe" translated:"Black Pump Power Station") is a modern lignite-fired power station in the "Schwarze Pumpe" (Black Pump) district in Spremberg, Germany consisting of 2 x 800 megawatts (MW) units. It came into service in 1997-98 and is owned by the utility Vattenfall.[cite news | url = | title = Schwarze Pumpe power station | publisher = Siemens | date = 2005-07-07 | accessdate = 2008-03-01] ]
The steam generator is convert|161|m|ft|0 high and has an observation deck on its top.
New CCS pilot plant
On 26 May 2006 in the Schwarze Pumpe industrial area, construction work started on the world's first "carbon-dioxide free" oxyfuel test facility in pilot scale. This is a facility with a thermal power of 30 MW, following the so-called Oxyfuel method to burn the coal with pure Oxygen and Nitrogen-free exhaust. The resulting carbon dioxide will be compressed and liquefied. It will then be put into geologic formations and stored so as not to contribute to global warming. Aim of the plant is not to produce electricity but steam which is then used by the nearby industry.The facility will be commissioned in summer 2008 and serve as a prototype for larger power plants. Environmentalists have criticized the facility, because of the high level of carbon dioxide it emits in comparison with other fossil fuels. In their opinion a greater impact on the reduction of global warming could have been obtained for the same money through investments in more on renewable energies, and efficient power production and use.[cite news | url = | title = Germany plans C02-free power plant | author = Tim Mansel | publisher = BBC | date = 2005-07-02 | accessdate = 2008-03-01] ]
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