- Eye exercises
Eye exercises are sometimes used in an attempt to correct vision problems. Different views exist regarding the extent of their effectiveness.Helveston EM. "Visual training: current status in ophthalmology." "Am J Ophthalmol." 2005 Nov;140(5):903-10. PMID 16310470.]
Traditional mainstream
ophthalmologist s andoptometrist s use eye exercises (orthoptics ) to treat a limited range of problems, particularly problems involving muscular imbalances and problems with coordination of eye movement between the two eyes. [ [http://www.healthpronet.org/ahp_month/11_03.html Health Professions Network] ] Orthoptics (from the Greek words "ortho" meaning "straight", and "optikas" meaning "vision" [http://www.tcos.ca/about_orthoptics.html] ) is the discipline dealing with the diagnosis and treatment of defective eye coordination,binocular vision , and functionalamblyopia by non-pharmaceutical and non-surgical methods, e.g., glasses, prisms, exercises.Cassin, B. and Solomon, S. "Dictionary of Eye Terminology". Gainsville, Florida: Triad Publishing Company, 1990.] The goal of orthoptics is to improve comfort and efficiency of binocular function.History
Orthoptists and ophthalmologists introduced a wide variety of techniques for the improvement of binocular function in the first half of the twentieth century. The first pioneer was Mary Maddox, the daughter of an English ophthalmologist. Helveston EM. "Visual training: current status in ophthalmology." "Am J Ophthalmol." 2005 Nov;140(5):903-10. PMID 16310470.]
Orthoptics is usually studied as a primary degree or as a 2 to 4 years post graduate training course, including both theoretical and practical training. Orthoptists usually work in close cooperation with ophthalmologists, pediatricians, and sometimes neurologists.
The practice of orthoptics has evolved beyond the realm of orthoptic exercises. Orthoptists employed around the world now spend the majority of their day assessing, diagnosing and managing patients with eye muscle disorders. Traditional orthoptic exercise programs are still employed when appropriate. Orthoptists work closely with ophthalmologists to ensure that patients with eye muscle disorders are exposed to a full range of treatment options. These additional options include optical, medical and surgical treatment.
*Near point of convergence exercises (i.e. "pencil push-ups")
*Convergence training - Base-out prism reading, stereogram cards, computerized training programs are used to improve fusional convergence. [Bartis, MJ. " [http://www.emedicine.com/oph/topic553.htm Convergence Insufficiency.] " eMedicine. January 25, 2005.]Vision therapy
"Functional optometrists" and "optometric vision therapists" are licensed, credentialed doctors of optometry or their trained staff, who specialize in
vision therapy that involves eye exercises. They hold that such exercises are useful in improving a wide range of visual conditions, including focusing problems. The methods used are backed by clinical studies and publications in peer-reviewed journals, but are widely regarded with skepticism by ophthalmologists.In 2006, neurologist
Oliver Sacks published an anecdotal case study about "Stereo Sue", a woman who had regained herstereo vision , absent for 25 years, after undergoing vision therapy.cite news | author=Oliver Sacks | title=A Neurologist's Notebook: "Stereo Sue" | publisher=The New Yorker | date=June 19, 2006 | pages=64] Sacks does not detail exactly what exercise regime was followed by "Sue".Other forms of eye exercise
Do-it-yourself eye exercises are claimed by some to improvevisual acuity by reducing or eliminatingrefractive errors . Such claims rely mainly onanecdotal evidence , and are not generally endorsed by ophthalmologists or optometrists.cite web | url=http://www.allaboutvision.com/buysmart/see_clearly.htm | title=The See Clearly Method: Do Eye Exercises Improve Vision? | date=December 2006 | publisher=AllAboutVision.com | author=Rob Murphy, Marilyn Haddrill] Such "exercises" include "clock rotation", "eye rolls", "near/far focusing", [ [http://www.healsa.co.za/Eye_Exercises.pdf Heal South Africa] ] and looking at aTibetan eye chart . [ [http://www.wellnesshour.net/tibet.htm The Wellness Hour] ] "Self-help " books and programs promoting these exercises should not be confused with vision therapy, which is always directed and supervised by a professional. [ [http://www.children-special-needs.org/vision_therapy/what_is_vision_therapy.html What is Vision Therapy?] ]Overall conclusions
A 2005 review of the literature on eye exercises concluded that: "Small controlled trials and a large number of cases support" the use of eye exercises in "treatment of
convergence insufficiency . Less robust, but believable, evidence indicates visual training may be useful in developing fine stereoscopic skills and improving visual field remnants after brain damage." However, the report also concluded that "no clear scientific evidence" exists for the efficacy of eye exercises in the treatment of "ocular motility disorders, accommodative dysfunction, amblyopia, learning disabilities, dyslexia, asthenopia, myopia, motion sickness, sports performance, ... visual acuity, and general well-being."cite journal | author=Rawstron JA, Burley CD, Elder MJ | journal=J Pediatr Ophthalmol Strabismus | year=2005 | volume=42 | issue=2 | pages=82–8 | title=A systematic review of the applicability and efficacy of eye exercises | url=http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/query.fcgi?db=pubmed&cmd=Retrieve&dopt=AbstractPlus&list_uids=15825744&query_hl=13&itool=pubmed_DocSum]ee also
Eye care professional
*Convergence insufficiency
*Pediatric ophthalmology
*Strabismus *
Vision therapy
*Bates method
*Pinhole glasses References
External links
* [http://www.internationalorthoptics.org/ International Orthoptic Association]
* [http://www.i-see.org/gottlieb/presbyopia_chart.pdf "Presbyopia Reduction" chart] by Ray Gottlieb, O.D., Ph.D.
* [http://www.quackwatch.com/01QuackeryRelatedTopics/eyequack.html "Eye-Related Quackery"] , fromQuackwatch
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.