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MeshID = D052256

Tendinosis, sometimes called chronic tendinitis, chronic tendinopathy or chronic tendon injury, is damage to a tendon at a cellular level. It is thought to be caused by microtears in the connective tissue in and around the tendon.

Tendinosis is typically diagnosed as tendinitis due to the limited understanding of tendinopathies by the medical community.cite web |url=http://bjsm.bmj.com/cgi/content/extract/36/6/392 |title=Understanding tendinopathies -- Murrell 36 (6): 392 -- British Journal of Sports Medicine |accessdate=2008-01-29 |format= |work=]

The suffix 'itis' means inflammation leading to anti-inflammatories being prescribed, despite there being limited support for this treatment in clinical trials.cite web |url=http://www.ejbjs.org/cgi/content/full/84/11/2062 |title=Achilles Tendinopathy -- Paavola et al. 84 (11): 2062 -- Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery |accessdate=2008-01-29 |format= |work=] The strongest evidence for treatment of tendinosis is for nitric oxide patches and for forms of resistance training exercises that 'load' the affected tendon.


External links

* [http://www.tendinosis.org/ tendinosis.org]
* [http://www.itendonitis.com/achilles-tendonitis.html Achilles Tendonitis]
* [http://www.achillestendon.com/ Achilles Tendon]

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