

Carbonite (chemical formula: CO22-) is an explosive made from such ingredients as nitroglycerin, wood meal, and some nitrate as that of sodium; also nitrobenzene, saltpeter, sulfur, and diatomaceous earth.

In Star Wars

Carbonite is also a fictional ionic compound in the "Star Wars" universe, the full properties of which have never been satisfactorily defined. [ [] ] By the rules of chemical nomenclature, the formula for a "carbonite anion" would be CO22-, which was thought to be an impossible formation (methanoate being preferentially formed instead). By the same rules, "carbonite" would also technically be an "alloy" made of frozen carbon dioxide. Another more likely possibility is that carbonite is a mineral, which are usually named with the suffix "-ite" (see List of minerals). Carbon freezing was originally a way for Bespin to transport their Tibanna gas. In "", Han Solo is frozen in carbonite. The procedure leaves him in suspended animation. After this, it was used for imprisoning criminals.

In EverQuest II

Carbonite is an ore that can be harvested on any Tier 3 zone and can be used to craft metal armor and weapons usable by characters of at least level 20. Carbonite recipes for these items range from level 20 to 29 in tradeskill levels. [ [] ]


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  • Carbonite — Car bon*ite, n. [Carbon + ite.] 1. An explosive consisting essentially of nitroglycerin, wood meal, and some nitrate, as that of sodium. [Webster 1913 Suppl.] 2. An explosive composed of nitrobenzene, saltpeter, sulphur, and kieselguhr. [Webster… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • carbonite — ⇒CARBONITE, subst. fém. A. CHIM., vx. Sel ou ester de l acide oxalique. Synon. mod. oxalate. B. Aggloméré de charbon de bois et de goudron, utilisé comme combustible, notamment dans les gazogènes pour automobiles (cf. G. DUPONT, Le Bois carburant …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • carbonite — noun a) An explosive manufactured from a variety of materials, including nitroglycerine, wood meal and nitrates. He was pleased with bellite, he found that carbonite made more fumes than bellite, but the explosive he liked best was ammonite. b) A …   Wiktionary

  • carbonite — karbonitas statusas T sritis chemija apibrėžtis Gamtoje susikarbonizavusios anglys. atitikmenys: angl. carbonite; natural coke rus. карбонит; природный кокс ryšiai: sinonimas – gamtinis koksas …   Chemijos terminų aiškinamasis žodynas

  • carbonite — karbonitas statusas T sritis chemija apibrėžtis Sprogstamoji medžiaga iš nitroglicerolio, salietros ir augalinio užpildo. atitikmenys: angl. carbonite rus. карбонит …   Chemijos terminų aiškinamasis žodynas

  • carbonite — (kar bo ni t ) s. m. Terme de chimie. Nom des sels formés par une base et l acide carboneux. ÉTYMOLOGIE    Carbone …   Dictionnaire de la Langue Française d'Émile Littré

  • carbonite — car·bo·nì·te s.f. TS chim. esplosivo composto da nitroglicerina e nitrato di sodio, di potassio o di bario, usato nelle miniere di carbone {{line}} {{/line}} DATA: 1913 …   Dizionario italiano

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  • carbonite — ˈkärbəˌnīt noun ( s) Etymology: International Scientific Vocabulary carbon (I) + ite; originally formed as German karbonit 1. : a blasting explosive varying greatly in formula but containing among its ingredients a carbonaceous substance (as oak… …   Useful english dictionary

  • Star Wars Infinities — is a group of mini series published by Dark Horse Comics, which tell non canon alternate events that branch off from the events of Star Wars Episodes IV VI. The individual Infinities stories are unrelated to one another.tar Wars: Infinities A New …   Wikipedia

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