Star Wars Infinities

Star Wars Infinities

Star Wars Infinities is a group of mini-series published by Dark Horse Comics, which tell non-canon alternate events that branch off from the events of Star Wars Episodes IV-VI. The individual Infinities stories are unrelated to one another.

tar Wars: Infinities - A New Hope

Infobox SW Comics
name = Star Wars: Infinities - A New Hope

story =
script = Chris Warner
cover_art = Tony Harris
Chris Blythe
pencils = Drew Johnson
inks = Ray Snyder
art =
lettering = Steve Dutro
colors = Dave McCaig
designer = Keith Wood
art_dir =
editor = Dave Land
asst_editor = Philip Simon
asso_editor =
publisher = Mike Richardson
era = Infinities
series = Star Wars Infinities
galactic_year =
canon = N
publishing_co = Dark Horse Comics
release_date = 6 February 2002
pages = 96
size_weight =
isbn = 1-56971-648-X
preceded_by =
followed_by =

"Star Wars: Infinities - A New Hope" is a four-part story arc in the Star Wars Infinities series of comic books.


The Infinities version of "" begins with the pivotal Battle of Yavin. Events begin to change when the torpedoes fired by Luke Skywalker experience a technical malfunction and fail to destroy the Death Star, but prevent the complete destruction of Yavin 4. Unable to fire a fully charged shot from the Death Star's superlaser, Grand Moff Tarkin orders the technicians to fire at reduced power, nearly levelling the Massassi Temple on the moon’s surface.

The Imperials send out a wing of TIE Fighters to pick off the remaining members of Red Squadron. Luke, driven to near-insanity by the failure of the mission and the apparent destruction of Rebel base, turns his fighter to face the TIEs alone. Eventually, Han Solo convinces Luke to flee and the "Millennium Falcon" jumps into hyperspace with Luke’s X-Wing on its tail.

The Rebel forces attempt to flee the Yavin system, but are captured by the Imperials. The Rebel leaders are imprisoned on the Death Star to await execution, but Princess Leia is taken to Coruscant, where she is put under house arrest at the Emperor’s residence, the great former Jedi Temple. Once there, Darth Vader subtly begins Leia's conversion to the Dark Side of the Force.

After the "Falcon" drops out of hyperspace, Luke and Han argue and Luke accuses Han of having abandoned the Rebellion. Luke pulls out his lightsaber and threatens to kill Han. Obi-Wan's ghost then appears and tells Luke that he is moving into the Dark Side of the Force. Obi-Wan then instructs Luke to travel to Dagobah and seek out the Jedi Master Yoda. Han takes Luke to Dagobah, where he begins his training under Yoda’s tutelage. Han then leaves with Chewbacca to finish the repairs on the "Falcon". While on Dagobah, Luke enters a mysterious cave as part of his training. There, he fights and kills a vision of Darth Vader and is shocked to find Leia's face under the helmet.

Five years later, the Empire celebrates the fifth anniversary of the Rebellion's defeat by renaming the Death Star the "Justice Star", which then eclipses over the sun as a sign of everlasting peace. Now trained in the ways of the Sith, Leia convinces the Emperor to reinstate the Imperial Senate. Han and Chewbacca watch coverage of the celebrations in a bar on Ord Mantell and then board the "Falcon" and head back to Dagobah.

On Dagobah, Luke’s training is nearing completion. The last test is for Luke to re-enter the cave. Luke is again confronted by a vision of Vader but is now able to overcome his fears and completely connect to the Force. Han arrives soon after and informs Luke of Leia's whereabouts. Yoda then reveals to Luke the truth that Leia is really his sister and that Vader is their father.

Luke, Yoda, Han, Chewbacca and R2-D2 then take on in the "Falcon" to Coruscant. Once there, the "Falcon" lands on the Justice Star where Yoda and R2 debark. Yoda confronts Tarkin, now an admiral, and takes control of him with a Jedi mind trick.

Chewbacca flies the "Falcon" to Coruscant where Luke and Han attempt to infiltrate the Emperor’s palace. Once there, Luke and Han defeat a number of red-cloaked Imperial Guards and a reprogrammed, more aggressive C-3PO before confronting the Emperor and his two apprentices, Darth Vader and Leia Organa. At his master’s orders, Vader turns his lightsaber over to Leia who duels with Luke. Luke refuses to kill her and reveals to her that she is his sister. After the duel ends, the Emperor becomes angry and casts his Force Lightning at them. Vader attacks his master to protect Luke and Leia.

Luke, Leia, Han and 3PO then escape to the "Falcon" as the Emperor turns on Vader. Before Palpatine kills Vader, Yoda, using R2 to control the Justice Star's orbit, contacts the Emperor and announces that he is visiting. The Justice Star crashes into Coruscant, wiping out everything on it, including the Emperor, Vader, R2-D2 and Yoda.

Later, R2’s memory is inserted into an identical body. The story ends with Luke and Leia being visited by the ghosts of Obi-Wan, Yoda and Anakin Skywalker during the inaugural celebration of the first Chancellor of the New Republic, Leia, on the planet Naboo.


tar Wars: Infinities - The Empire Strikes Back

Infobox SW Comics
name = Star Wars: Infinities - The Empire Strikes Back

cover_art =
designer =
art_dir =
editor =
asst_editor =
asso_editor =
publisher =
series = Star Wars Infinities
canon = N
publishing_co = Dark Horse Comics
release_date = 2 April 2003
pages = 96
size_weight =
isbn = 1-56971-904-7
preceded_by =
followed_by =

"Star Wars: Infinities - The Empire Strikes Back" is a four-part story arc in the Star Wars Infinities series of comic books.


The Infinities version of "" begins with the Rebel Alliance setting up a new base on the remote ice world of Hoth. After escaping from a Wampa ice monster, Luke sees the spirit of Obi-Wan instructing him to go to Dagobah and find the Jedi Master Yoda. Events begin to change when Han’s Tauntaun dies before Han can find the missing Luke. Unable to find Luke in time and with no way to keep him warm, Han is unable to save Luke from death by exposure. But before Luke’s death, the young Jedi imparts Obi-Wan’s message to Han.

Later, during the funeral for Luke, Han tells Leia that he has to go to Dagobah, believing that he is to train as Jedi. Just then, the Empire attacks and the Rebellion starts to evacuate Hoth. The "Millennium Falcon", unable to effectively escape the Hoth System due to a malfunctioning hyperdrive, sets a course for Bespin, where Han hopes he can get repairs to the ship. Unbeknownst to Han, Darth Vader has hired a number of bounty hunters to follow the "Falcon", including Boba Fett, who follows the "Falcon" to Bespin.

Upon his arrival at Bespin, Han meets up with his gambling buddy Lando Calrissian. Casually laughing off Han’s claim that he’s going to become a Jedi, Lando agrees to repair the "Falcon’s" hyperdrive. When Lando returns to his office, he finds Boba Fett sitting at his desk, demanding that Han, Leia, Chewbacca and C-3PO be turned over to him, but what Boba doesn't know is that they have already arrived (as Han decided not to go into the asteroid field). Fett is led into a trap by Lando and is knocked unconscious after grappling with Han and Chewbacca.

After the repairs are finished and the "Falcon" leaves Bespin, Lando returns to his office to admire his new desk, which is crafted using Boba Fett's carbonite-encased corpse. However, Vader’s ship arrives soon after the "Falcon" leaves and demands that Lando turn over the Rebels to him. Upon learning that the "Falcon" has already left, Vader orders the devastating bombardment of Cloud City, killing every inhabitant.

Eventually, the "Falcon" arrives at Dagobah where Han is surprised that he is not to be trained as a Jedi, but Leia is instead. Yoda tells Leia that Luke was her brother and her father is Darth Vader. Han, determined to settle his debt with Jabba the Hutt, leaves Leia on Dagobah to train with Yoda.

During the next several months, Han gathers together the money he needs to pay off Jabba, Leia trains with great fervor, and Darth Vader continues his search for Luke, not knowing the youth’s fate; dismissing rumors that Luke has died, Vader insists that he can still sense Luke’s presence.

Eventually, Han, Chewbacca, and C-3PO return to Tatooine to settle Han’s debt, but upon their arrival, they are captured by Jabba’s thugs and the "Falcon" is stolen by a bounty hunter. Han and Chewbacca are taken to Jabba’s palace where they are forced to do battle with two nexu that Jabba keeps in a pit beneath his audience chamber, where the rancor used to be. Han and Chewbacca are able to escape with R2’s help, and the now freed nexu tear through Jabba's palace, destroying everything in sight. In the confusion, Han and Chewbacca are able to board a Hutt shuttlecraft and escape to the docked "Falcon" in Mos Eisley.

Soon after Han's escape, Vader arrives at Jabba's palace to question him about Han’s presence. Jabba says that he doesn't know where Han is now. Vader recognises C-3PO and demands that his former creation be handed over to him. After returning to his ship, Vader dismantles 3PO and retrieves Dagobah's location from the droid’s memory.

Back on Dagobah, Leia is in the last stages of her training. Yoda sends her on a mission to find a crystal for her lightsaber from a nearby cave. During Leia’s absence, Vader arrives and confronts Yoda. Using his connection to the Force, Yoda delves deep into Vader’s psyche and confronts the man inside, Anakin Skywalker, who is surrounded by multiple layers of the dark side of the Force. During the mental battle, Leia finds her crystal and receives an image of Vader confronting Yoda. In his mind, Anakin fights of shadows of long-deceased Jedi such as Obi-Wan Kenobi, Mace Windu and Qui-Gon Jinn. During the confrontation, Vader learns of Luke’s death. Vader is then able to deliver a fatal blow to Yoda through the mental link, severing the diminutive Jedi’s lock on his mind.

Leia then arrives and duels with Vader. Vader offers her the chance to join him and rule the galaxy, but Leia refuses. Before Vader can strike her down, Han and Chewbacca arrive in the "Falcon". Han then fires on Vader and kills him. Before Yoda dies, he tells Leia to pass what she has learned on to others. Leia burns her father’s body on a funeral pyre before leaving with Han on the "Falcon" to rejoin the Rebels and save the galaxy.

tar Wars: Infinities - Return of the Jedi

Infobox SW Comics
name = Star Wars: Infinities - Return of the Jedi

cover_art =
designer =
art_dir =
editor =
asst_editor =
asso_editor =
publisher =
series = Star Wars Infinities
canon = N
publishing_co = Dark Horse Comics
release_date = 28 July 2004
pages = 104
size_weight =
isbn = 1-59307-206-6
preceded_by =
followed_by =

"Star Wars: Infinities - Return of the Jedi" is a four-part story arc in the Star Wars Infinities series of comic books.


The Infinities version of "" begins when Leia, posing as a bounty hunter, infiltrates Jabba’s palace in an attempt to rescue Han Solo, who has been frozen in carbonite. Events begin to change when Jabba knocks 3PO off his dais and 3PO is not able to function. With no translator, Leia is forced to reveal her identity and threatens Jabba with a thermal detonator to release Solo.

During the melee, Leia and Chewbacca chase after Boba Fett, who escapes with Han Solo's carbonite-encased body. Leia fires on Fett but misses and hits the carbonite block’s life support control panel. Leia, Chewbacca and a disguised Lando escape from Jabba’s palace and reunite with Luke shortly before the thermal detonator goes off, killing everything within the palace. Luke promises Leia that he will find Han.

On Dagobah, Yoda, now on his deathbed, senses that Luke will not reach him before his death. On Tatooine, Luke is able to get a lead on Boba Fett's whereabouts. Yoda then dies on Dagobah and Luke, along with the Emperor and Vader, all sense it. The Emperor sends Vader to Dagobah to investigate.

Luke then arrives on Dagobah and is greeted by Yoda's ghost. The ghost confirms Vader’s claim that he is Luke's father and reveals that Leia is Luke's sister. Realizing that he has to confront Vader on his own, Luke has R2 record a message for Leia, send a message to the Rebellion and leaves Dagobah. Just then, a Star Destroyer drops out of hyperspace over Dagobah. Luke, captured by Vader, is brought to the second Death Star in orbit over Endor and is brought before the Emperor.

Meanwhile, Boba Fett is holding a meeting with Imperial officials, hoping to sell them Han’s carbonite block. Leia, Chewbacca and Lando track him down and interrupt the meeting. Leia then kills Fett with a blaster. Leia and the others return to the Rebel fleet with Han's frozen body. After thawing out Han from the carbonite, Leia is informed by a medic that the damage to the life support control unit resulted in Han becoming completely blind. Lando then prepares the Falcon for an assault on the second Death Star that is scheduled to commence when the station’s energy shield is destroyed by a Rebel unit on Endor's moon.

Before the fleet leaves for Endor, Leia receives Luke's message from R2, which reveals that they are twins and that Vader is their father. A second transmission reveals Luke's subsequent capture and that no rescue attempt is to be made. Leia takes the "Slave-1", commandeered after Fett's death and heads straight to the Death Star to rescue Luke. Han realises what has happened and asks Lando if he can accompany him and Chewbacca on the "Falcon".

Leia arrives at the Death Star, but is soon captured and brought before the Emperor. Meanwhile, the Rebel fleet outside the Death Star engages the Imperial fleet while waiting for the ground assault team to destroy the shield generator. However, the battle between the Rebel and Imperial units on Endor disturbs the Ewoks, causing them to attack both sides.

On the Death Star, Palpatine orders Vader to kill Leia. Luke unleashes his lightsaber and duels with Vader himself. Leia attempts to intervene, but is subdued by Force Lightning from the Emperor, allowing Luke and Vader's duel to continue.

Han, despite his blindness, takes Chewbacca's place in the "Falcon’s" gunner turret after Chewbacca is injured. The "Falcon" flies down to Endor and destroys the shield generator, allowing the Rebel fleet in space to enter the half-completed Death Star. Lando takes the "Falcon" back to the Death Star to rescue Luke and Leia.

Luke continues to duel Vader, revealing to him that both he and Leia are his children. Vader is stunned by the revelation, but strikes down Luke at the cost of one of his arms. However, Vader is unable to kill his own children and surrenders, causing him to turn from the dark side of the Force.

During the duel, the Emperor escapes and Luke and Leia carry the wounded Vader to the "Falcon" waiting in the docking bay and escape before the Death Star explodes. Sometime later, on the Rebel flagship, Mon Mothma informs Luke that the Emperor is alive and still a threat. Anakin, now clad in a white variation of the suit he wore as Vader, agrees to help the Rebels track down Palpatine.

External links

* [ Dark Horse Listing for part 1]
* [ Dark Horse Listing for part 2]
* [ Dark Horse Listing for part 3]
* [ Dark Horse Listing for part 4]
* [ Dark Horse Listing for TPB]
* [ Dark Horse Listing for part 1]
* [ Dark Horse Listing for part 2]
* [ Dark Horse Listing for part 3]
* [ Dark Horse Listing for part 4]
* [ Dark Horse Listing for TPB]
* [ Dark Horse Listing for part 1]
* [ Dark Horse Listing for part 2]
* [ Dark Horse Listing for part 3]
* [ Dark Horse Listing for part 4]
* [ Dark Horse Listing for TPB]

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