- Sydney Taylor Book Award
The Sydney Taylor Book Award recognizes the best in Jewish
children's literature . Medals are awarded annually for outstanding books that authentically portray the Jewish experience. The award was established in1968 by theAssociation of Jewish Libraries . It is named in memory ofSydney Taylor , author of the classic "All-of-a-Kind Family" series. Taylor's were some of the first children's books with Jewish characters that were of literary interest to readers of all backgrounds.Awards
Awards are presented in three categories: Younger Readers, Older Readers and Teen Readers. In each category, a single gold medalist is named annually. Each year there may also be several silver medalists named in each category. A list of ten to twenty Notable Children's Books of Jewish Content is also named in each category, but these titles do not receive medals.
Most Sydney Taylor Book Award winning titles are universal in theme while Judaic in specific content, and will be of interest to Jewish and non-Jewish readers alike. However, for readers who have very little familiarity with Jewish culture and are seeking introductory materials, the Association of Jewish Libraries has produced a useful bibliography entitled [http://www.jewishlibraries.org/ajlweb/publications/jewish_stars.pdf Jewish Stars] .
Extensive information about the Sydney Taylor Book Awards may be found at [http://www.jewishlibraries.org/ajlweb/awards/st_books.htm www.sydneytaylorbookaward.org] . Resources include a history of the award, a brief biography of Sydney Taylor, links to information about past award winners, and ordering information for award publications, posters, and medals. Specialized information is provided for the media, for publishers, for librarians and educators, and for booksellers. A blog of Sydney Taylor Book Award related news may be found at [http://www.sydneytaylorbookaward.blogspot.com sydneytaylorbookaward.blogspot.com] .
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